Create Categories Menu Item

The first thing we are going to do is set up a menu item called Categories.

We will do this as a Custom Link, so select Custom Links and then add the Categories menu item.

Enter a as the URL (we actually don’t want this menu item to have a URL, but WordPress won’t let us proceed without one, so we are just entering the simplest possible placeholder that we will delete later).

Enter Categories (or CATEGORIES) as the Link Text and Click the Add to Menu button.

Click on the down arrow next to the Categories menu item and remove the dummy URL.

Click and drag the menu item to where in the main menu you’d like it to appear.

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KenBoyUK Premium
I'm not sure when this was posted, should we still be adding tags to every post?, or is this out of date?
phil1944 Premium
I add multiple (relevant) tags and categories to every post. Why would you not?
KenBoyUK Premium
I only asked because in your training post you said tags may have become redundant or ignored by Google, and I was not sure how old the post was. I see some videos in WA from 2012 which are well obsolete, I will use categories and tags - thanks
phil1944 Premium
I use categories to group related posts together in a menu. It's certainly possible that categories have become less relevant as Google moves towards content quality and value but as they are unlikely to do any harm and it takes only a few seconds to add them, I continue to do so.
FreyS1 Premium
Thanks! It’s helpful
phil1944 Premium
I'm glad to hear that, Frey.
SamonneP Premium
Thanks for this Stephen 😊
phil1944 Premium
It's Phil... but you're welcome.
SamonneP Premium
I so apologize Phil, thank you. Forgive me 🙏
phil1944 Premium
Of course. No problems.
Zoopie Premium
Good and to the point, well done.
phil1944 Premium
Thanks, Stephen. I appreciate it.