Dark blog; a non-public blog hidden behind a registration barrier or a firewall.

Dashboard; the homepage of the WordPress administrator interface.

Data feed (or product feed); an organized list (a CSV, XLS, etc file) with certain products or attributes that can be advertised and compared in a unique way.

Deep linking; linking technique used to send a visitor to a given specific offer or second-, third-level category webpages (not the homepage) on the advertiser’s website.

Domain age; it is what it is: a measure of how old a domain is; usually older domains are considered to be more trustworthy by search engines.

Domain mapping; a feature used to point multiple – or parked – domains to a primary hosting account.

Duplicate content; content blocks – within or across domains – that are vary similar or completely identical. In the context of SEO these repeatedly used or copied content pieces will cause lower rankings.

Dynamic URL; a URL created, generated as a result of a database query on a database-driven website. In these URLs the domain name is followed by an unreadable script-generated character string (the result of the query). A dynamic URL is user-unfriendly, therefore is bad for SEO and must be rewritten into a static URL.


Earned media; any publicity gained through digital word-of-mouth or other free online promotional methods; e. g. comments, mentions, shares, etc.

Excerpt; an optional summary or description of the given article; if is not defined by the author, will be automatically generated using the first fifty five characters of the page content.


Farticle; slang term used to describe a “fake article” which actually is nothing else, but a masked advertorial or a well-formatted sales copy.

Favicon (or favorite icon); a small, 16×16 or 32×32 image – usually in PNG, ICO or GIF format – associated with a website and displayed in the address bar or the tab of the web browser.

Flame; hostile and deliberately inflammatory comment usually directed or dedicated to a given blogger or user.

Flash (or Adobe Flash); interactive media technology used to create web content that combines animation, sound and video; search engines can’t index a Flash content directly, therefore is bad for SEO.

Flog; a “fake” blog which is written and maintained by someone else than the indicated author.

Frame; HTML technique used to divide the browser window into multiple sections (frames) in order to display different HTML documents (basically web pages ) in each section. The result (different content and multiple pages associated with the very same URL) is confusing for search engines and they might not index the “divided” page at all.

Frontend; the publicly visible and accessible content of a website.

FTP (or file transfer protocol); a two-way network protocol used to transfer data (files) between a local computer and a web server.

Featured image; a WordPress theme feature that allows the usage of a unique image that represents the mood and the content of the given blog post. The image is displayed at the top of the blog post and usually is the image that will be used when sharing the associated content on social media networks.

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dowj01 Premium
This is something I will keep referring back to. Thanks for posting.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for reading Justin!
lesabre Premium
Thanks Zed.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks Michael!
PeterMay Premium
Thanks have bookmarked this training for future reference. Appreciated as it can sometimes be frustrating not having a clue what some of these terms mean.
Thanks again Peter
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU Peter!
Fleeky Premium Plus
Top zed!
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for your TOP comment!
CandP Premium
Zsolt, that is so useful, thank you. Definitely, something to be saved for future reference.
Colette and Philip
smartketeer Premium
Thanks Colette and Philip!