Import Your Site from GSC

Click the Import button.

Bing Webmaster Tools then displays a screen that tells you what information it is going to import from GSC.

Click the Continue button.

You will then need to sign in to your Google account to allow Bing to access it.

Select your Google account to bring up a screen for you to authorize Bing to access your Google account.

Read what you’re authorizing and then, if you’re happy with that, click the Allow button.

This will find any sites you have on Google Search Console that have not already been imported into Bing Webmaster Tools.

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Julia39 Premium
Hi Phil, this training has come at the right time for me, though I got stuck on the part where you import through google it couldn't find my website, so I have to add my url manually.
Don't why I have done GA and GSC. and I am signed up for those. So I went back to WA training level 5, 9 of 10 to follow the coding version and can't find once in Theme editor the </head> bit before the 'body' in the script to add the meta tag coding.
Is there another way to do this, but the easy way? hope it makes sense. Thanks Phil.
CountessCtry Premium
Ad inserter plugin.
phil1944 Premium
Is your website registered with GSC? That's the vital step. If it is, BWT should find it and automatically authorize it.

If you're going to edit theme files, you need to do it in a child theme. Otherwise you will lose your changes when the theme is updated.

Was it the header.php file you were editing?
Julia39 Premium
Ok I will go back and look into this and follow steps you recommend above, maybe I have overlooked something.
As for header php file, I was following tutorial by Kyle and my theme site doesn't show that bit, so don't want to mess with code. Will get back to you if I get success. Thanks Phil.
Julia39 Premium
Will thuis do it automatically for me? Thanks.
Julia39 Premium
Hi again, I just checked everything and I logged in with another account and bingo! I got into Bing webmaster tools, it just took me there without having to do import or add url.
So it looks like I have done everything through previous training, but never looked at it much as I've been trying to build up content on my site.
Thanks though Phil for your super easy training.
One thing, how should I be using Bing, is it about checking how things are, just like Google Analytics etc?
There were a couple of issues with SEO, I may have to ask site support for help.
phil1944 Premium
Thanks, Julia. Yes, BWT is basically Microsoft's answer to GSC. I submit any new or edited posts or pages to both.
Dhind1 Premium Plus
I have connected Bing on some of my sites, but not all. Thanks for the training.

phil1944 Premium
You're welcome, Alex.
west2000 Premium
This is very helpful, Phil. I need to spend some time working on this so I will be bookmarking it. Most appreciated!

phil1944 Premium
You are, of course, welcome as always Susan.
Zoopie Premium
Great training.
phil1944 Premium
Thanks, Stephen. I really appreciate your comment.
lesabre Premium
Thanks for the training lesson Phil.

phil1944 Premium
You're welcome, Michael.