Instagram started as a platform for collecting and displaying pictures, but as grown to an income-generating tool for business all over the globe. It has grown to a platform with more than 200 million visits on daily basis, with more than 80percent of its visitors engaged with video. Top of it is that more than 60% of new products displayed on this platform enjoy the engagement. Businesses are using Instagram marketing tips to turn this market to a money-making machine.

The beautiful thing about this platform is the set of folks you will find on this platform. Hootsuite makes it clear on finding the younger generation on this platform. They indicated people of age range 18 to 29 years taking 67%, age 30 to 49 taking 47% and adults of age 50 to 64 years of age taking 23 per cent of users on the platform.

When it comes to gender-based users, the platform enjoys the patronage of more women than men. It enjoys 52% of the female while men occupy the remain 48% of users.

With these statistics, I think this is a platform to target. But if this category is not your target, I think keeping it in view will be a great option. As the years run, more adults are logging on to this platform, and more of the younger generations that are active on this platform are joining the adult folks.

As such, we must begin to take a look at best practices for Instagram marketing.

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Kingschido Premium
Thanks for sharing this blog post. Very useful information.
Parameter Premium

You are welcome Kings.

Instagram is a platform you will find very resourceful

Lea15 Premium
Excellent learning experience, but can you explain to me the superb meaning of a good photo.
Parameter Premium

Thank you for taking out time to see the training.

Like I said in lesson 3, ensure the pictures are taken in a good environment with sufficient light. Avoid it been blurred and try as much as possible to have all the details on the picture visible.

This does not have to cost you a fortune, your handset can do a good job. I hope I nailed it this time.

Thank you once again for been there.

YvonneBray Premium
Thank you for doing this tutorial Parameter. I want to revisit this. I am saving it.
Parameter Premium

I am glad you found it engaging to the point of been revisited

Thank you for taking out time to see the training in details

YvonneBray Premium
Your welcome
Christorv Premium Plus
67% are the young- expected but that's a large percentage of patrons. I am more convinced now to invest effort into social media.

Thanks Ayo, this is such good info.
Parameter Premium
Thank you, Chris,

The age distribution on this platform is good and gives virtually everyone a potential market.
