You can use the preview button to check out examples of what they're going to submit. So, here are 3 previews I checked out, before I hit submit.

Here's one tip where you can learn from my fail: don't use apostrophes, dashes, or any other punctuation other than exclamation marks, periods, or commas. If you do, the system freaks out. Originally I'd put in “Smadronia's” and it keeps coming out as “Smadronia/'s” That looks sloppy.

I've also tried using dashes, and it won't accept them in anything other than a URL. So, if you're trying to brand something, like you might with your name “John Doe – World Class Photographer” it's not going to take. If your URL was it will take there, but not anywhere else.

Once you've submitted your URL, you can check back within a day to see the report. I've included my report on the next page, if you want to see how it works out.

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Orientalbeauty Premium
Thank you both for the comments. I tried to explain step by step, because while it's simple to use, that doesn't mean it can't have problems (like dashes and apostrophes).

I haven't used it on articles yet, but I think that would be an excellent use for it. Since articles don't usually need a lot of backlinks, one submission with SocialMonkee should be enough to help them rank.
robert2704 Premium
Like how you break it down and show how it works. Might give it a whirl. Not to my websites. Just the articles around it.
GlobalAffiliate Premium
Like how you break it down and show how it works. Might give it a whirl. Not to my websites. Just the articles around it.
klrrider Premium
Nice resource with tips and well explained. Thanx for creating it.

Moll Premium
Nice resource with tips and well explained. Thanx for creating it.
