Where do you get content for an article? There are two general types of content on the Internet. I'm simply going to classify them as restricted and unrestricted. Restricted contend may show a copyright notice but it may not. Our copyright laws broadly say that if you wrote it, you own it. So, if you copy text from a website and stick it into your article, you could be in trouble.

Note: When I got to the end of this page, my 80-year-old brain said, "Licensed and unlicensed, Dummy!"

But you probably will not have to worry about that too much because your article will be rejected. The article sites scan your text to see if you took it from another site. If you did, your article is rejected and you have to go back and fix it. Now if you do copy word of word, you have plagiarized. That is not nice.

Now if you just take information from a site and put it into your own words, you are not being original. You are probably being boring. You will not be considered to be an expert.

If you don't have the time to become original, maybe purchasing a few article is in order. You can use such material on your website too. It is not very expensive. Writers come cheap.

To find a writer is very easy. You just go to such a site and list what you want and what you want to pay. That's it. The writers will be scrambling for your order. You can even ask for examples of their work.

I know a few marketers who have employees to write for them. It's not a crime to have someone ghost for you. Presidents do it. Actors do it. You can do it.

Don't look at me like that!

We have to have one more page. It's the law here! Your Audience!

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MilodonHemi Premium
I'll have to keep in mind untentionally over-using keywords, since I'm still learning SEO. I do recall the first and last paragraph suggestion from somewhere.
Hey that's Boulder Dam.
romanito25 Premium
Informative stuff, thank you,!
anindochk Premium
Nice article! Thanks
TJ Books Premium
You are welcome.
Amy Farr Premium
Nice training John! I want to know if the plate broke!
TJ Books Premium
No, Amy, it didn't break. That was the problem. No replacement business. A great product that curtailed sales for replacements. I thank you for reading my stuff. John