Testing & Analyzing Your Campaigns

You have performed some lengthy research, set-up a campaign, and are now receiving clicks to the website you are promoting. The next step of this process is to implement some sort of testing and/or analytics that will help you evaluate your campaigns performance and refine your campaign to achieve maximum profitability.

As Internet marketers, we should try to clean or rinse our campaigns of components (keywords, web pages) that are under performing and just costing us money. It has been said that 20% of an advertisers keywords bring in most of the sales, while the other 80% of the keywords are under performing. If this is not 100% accurate, it is very close to the truth.

There are several different aspects to a successful campaign, and there are many things that you can "refine" to increase your campaigns overall performance and profitability. Are your keywords performing? What about your ads, are they achieving a high enough CTR? Is your web page converting, if not, is it because your merchant conversions are low? Is your squeeze page working? Is your sales copy effective?

There is no scientific approach to refining your campaign. However, there are some things that you can do to obtain campaign analytics which will guide you when deciding which changes you should make.

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