
You know, it used to take me MONTHS to roll out a simple 20-page site.

That's because I would over-think, over-plan, over-strategize and "perfect" things to DEATH.

I'd have 52 autoresponders lined up, some crazy user-based viral marketing campaigns lined up, and God knows what else.

And in the end - those few alleged "masterpieces" ended up being my worst performers.

Ironically, one of my most profitable sites is absolutely the ugliest, most un-planned DISASTER ever. It sucks. I don't even show it to other marketers, more out of embarrassment than "niche protection".

But it's a classic SEO-friendly, HTML site with targeted title tags, H1 tags and unique content, it sticks the offer right in the visitor's faces, and it has more than 10,000 backlinks.

(It's not in the marketing niche, by the way - none of these types of sites are)

So stop planning things to death.

And no, you don't have to build a list in every niche, and you don't have to orchestrate some master-plan to conquer your niche in 15 days with the world's best marketing plan like your favorite Guru.

Screw it.

Just tap into the existing "buyer traffic" and make some easy commissions.

And then do it again and again.

Then - use those profits to start developing your own products, authority sites, etc. so that you can use this kind of "leech" strategy to fund the development of a business with a rock-solid foundation in a matter of a year or so.

All the while pulling down a full-time income, if you take it seriously enough.

And that's all there is to it.

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Your timing with this great article couldn't be better. I am at just that stage of realizing the truth of what you put down here. So rare to hear this plainly spoken. I wasted too much time worrying about undiscovered niches. I remember writing an article for a blog some months back on hair loss. Well guess what happened? Exactly! Traffic spiked, I was receiving emails, and my views on the ezine article were triple and sometimes quadruple compared to my other articles. Great article Dennis. Thanks
TJ Books Premium
What a great tutorial! I thank you sincerely. I've been getting to the point that you made. When I saw that Kyle and Carson wanted me to promote weight loss stuff, I knew that the niche theory had flaws. so, I'm pushing diet too. John
mightyone Premium
What a great tutorial! I thank you sincerely. I've been getting to the point that you made. When I saw that Kyle and Carson wanted me to promote weight loss stuff, I knew that the niche theory had flaws. so, I'm pushing diet too. John
zul200289 Premium
Very true. I was once stucked looking for that stupid 'secret-and-rich-niche-which-has-no-competition-at-all' and is very afraid of competitions. Diving into those big industries is the way to go. I'd recommend giving Kyle's post a read too. https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=35501&p=183177&hilit=turtle#p183177
Sib Premium
Very true. I was once stucked looking for that stupid 'secret-and-rich-niche-which-has-no-competition-at-all' and is very afraid of competitions. Diving into those big industries is the way to go. I'd recommend giving Kyle's post a read too. https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=35501&p=183177&hilit=turtle#p183177