I see so many sites and blogs that could make a killing if they could place their affiliate promotions more visibly.

But instead they hide their links at the bottom of their articles and lenses.
Or they just get lazy and put up a banner somewhere- or otherwise promote from some dark corner of their site
as if they think their visitors might get angry if they over promote.

What a sad loss.

I jam my my promos right in front of my visitors faces front and center

The first thing they see when *ANY* of my site's pages load is a damn good reason to go and buy something that, in most cases, is what they're already looking for.

This way, I've seen even my "very low" traffic sites make several sales a week - a result of visitor targeting AND effective visitor funneling.

And the profits will explode as your traffic levels increase over time from organic listings.

But you can expect mediocre profits at best if you're afraid of SELLING.

Try and prove me wrong on this one, and I can practically assure you that you'll be pleasantly surprised in the process :-)

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Your timing with this great article couldn't be better. I am at just that stage of realizing the truth of what you put down here. So rare to hear this plainly spoken. I wasted too much time worrying about undiscovered niches. I remember writing an article for a blog some months back on hair loss. Well guess what happened? Exactly! Traffic spiked, I was receiving emails, and my views on the ezine article were triple and sometimes quadruple compared to my other articles. Great article Dennis. Thanks
TJ Books Premium
What a great tutorial! I thank you sincerely. I've been getting to the point that you made. When I saw that Kyle and Carson wanted me to promote weight loss stuff, I knew that the niche theory had flaws. so, I'm pushing diet too. John
mightyone Premium
What a great tutorial! I thank you sincerely. I've been getting to the point that you made. When I saw that Kyle and Carson wanted me to promote weight loss stuff, I knew that the niche theory had flaws. so, I'm pushing diet too. John
zul200289 Premium
Very true. I was once stucked looking for that stupid 'secret-and-rich-niche-which-has-no-competition-at-all' and is very afraid of competitions. Diving into those big industries is the way to go. I'd recommend giving Kyle's post a read too.
Sib Premium
Very true. I was once stucked looking for that stupid 'secret-and-rich-niche-which-has-no-competition-at-all' and is very afraid of competitions. Diving into those big industries is the way to go. I'd recommend giving Kyle's post a read too.