It really ain't rocket science.

If you're struggling to get by - or if you're making most of your money from the W.A or something similar on a temperamental basis (and be honest with yourself) - then seriously - you OWE it to yourself to try this.

Enter into an actual, high-demand niche with millions of buyers.

Anti-adware, acne removal, weight-loss pills, and so on are a few examples of HUNDREDS of other niches that fit the bill.

Set up a simple site that reviews each major product, with maybe a few articles, etc. Put your affiliate promos in the top-fold of the page, FRONT AND CENTER.

Optimize your pages for SEO, targeting the "buyer keywords".

And then build as many backlinks as possible - Google "how to get backlinks" to find out more about that.

Work hard, and monitor your stats closely to see what happens when your site gets indexed and your rankings start to climb.

When the sales start to trickle in, reinvest all your profits to strengthen your rankings, increase backlinks, etc. until you've got some serious SE presence.

The traffic will be roaring in a few months - and so will the sales, if you're in a niche full of buyers.

Then - do it again, and again, and again, and again...


It could change your life.

And it's not rocket-science.

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Your timing with this great article couldn't be better. I am at just that stage of realizing the truth of what you put down here. So rare to hear this plainly spoken. I wasted too much time worrying about undiscovered niches. I remember writing an article for a blog some months back on hair loss. Well guess what happened? Exactly! Traffic spiked, I was receiving emails, and my views on the ezine article were triple and sometimes quadruple compared to my other articles. Great article Dennis. Thanks
TJ Books Premium
What a great tutorial! I thank you sincerely. I've been getting to the point that you made. When I saw that Kyle and Carson wanted me to promote weight loss stuff, I knew that the niche theory had flaws. so, I'm pushing diet too. John
mightyone Premium
What a great tutorial! I thank you sincerely. I've been getting to the point that you made. When I saw that Kyle and Carson wanted me to promote weight loss stuff, I knew that the niche theory had flaws. so, I'm pushing diet too. John
zul200289 Premium
Very true. I was once stucked looking for that stupid 'secret-and-rich-niche-which-has-no-competition-at-all' and is very afraid of competitions. Diving into those big industries is the way to go. I'd recommend giving Kyle's post a read too.
Sib Premium
Very true. I was once stucked looking for that stupid 'secret-and-rich-niche-which-has-no-competition-at-all' and is very afraid of competitions. Diving into those big industries is the way to go. I'd recommend giving Kyle's post a read too.