It no secret.
So here is the six figure life changing discovery.

Sell what lots of people buy
Now that a popular saying i think Kyle or carson has spoken of it somewhere in the tutorials.

Today i am going to interpret it to you in a in my way.

Here is a simple step by step break down.

And in this case it make sense to start with the last word in the phrase.

We all want one kind of a visitor in this business- A buyer.

As nice as i might sound to have a "high traffic site" with some crazy google analytics- at the end of the day, who really gives a !...... unless they made you money.
We are not in this business for charity.
and so it might be a wise thing to target buyers.
People with credit cards in hand.Looking for the order form. not just information.

In terms building affiliate sites, this means i focus on product related keywords and key phrases. People searching for products do so to research and make sure about a purchase decision, in most cases. And some are literally searching for the order form.

A small percentage do so for other non buying reasons, but the majority are either on the verge of buying or need a little push to

It really is not rocket science:
Just build a site with site rubix that includes info pages and/ or reviews for a popular product in your target niche and make it very fast for the visitor to get to the vendor's website.
How hard is that?
Go to step two.

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Your timing with this great article couldn't be better. I am at just that stage of realizing the truth of what you put down here. So rare to hear this plainly spoken. I wasted too much time worrying about undiscovered niches. I remember writing an article for a blog some months back on hair loss. Well guess what happened? Exactly! Traffic spiked, I was receiving emails, and my views on the ezine article were triple and sometimes quadruple compared to my other articles. Great article Dennis. Thanks
TJ Books Premium
What a great tutorial! I thank you sincerely. I've been getting to the point that you made. When I saw that Kyle and Carson wanted me to promote weight loss stuff, I knew that the niche theory had flaws. so, I'm pushing diet too. John
mightyone Premium
What a great tutorial! I thank you sincerely. I've been getting to the point that you made. When I saw that Kyle and Carson wanted me to promote weight loss stuff, I knew that the niche theory had flaws. so, I'm pushing diet too. John
zul200289 Premium
Very true. I was once stucked looking for that stupid 'secret-and-rich-niche-which-has-no-competition-at-all' and is very afraid of competitions. Diving into those big industries is the way to go. I'd recommend giving Kyle's post a read too.
Sib Premium
Very true. I was once stucked looking for that stupid 'secret-and-rich-niche-which-has-no-competition-at-all' and is very afraid of competitions. Diving into those big industries is the way to go. I'd recommend giving Kyle's post a read too.