A simple way to ensure the tracking ID has been successfully added is to hover your mouse over the banner on your promotional webpage, and look down in the bottom left hand corner of your browser for the destination address. In the image below you can see that the '&data1=ban1' (the tracking ID code) is in place:

Now click on your banner link and let the WA homepage load fully. If you've added your tracking ID code correctly, the link in the address bar at the top of the page will include your tracking ID as in the image below:

If however you made a mistake when adding the tracking ID, you will notice this in the address bar as in the image below. NOTE: I've intentionally left a space when adding the tracking ID so that you can see the difference. Shortly I'll explain the consequences of this:

Now that you have your tracking ID in place on your banner ad, you can also check that this has worked correctly within your affiliate stats. From your WA Dashboard, hover your mouse over the 'Affiliate Program' tab on the quick-start toolbar, and select 'Sales & Statistics'. On the page that opens up, click on 'Transactions' in the left hand column.

In the image above you can see that I've had 2 clicks on my link...the first click is on my banner ad with the tracking ID inserted correctly, and the second click was on my banner link with the tracking ID incorrectly inserted with a space in the code - as mentioned above.

Now if you look in the Data1 column you can clearly see that the tracking ID (ban1) was tracked on the first click, but NOT on the second click. This is because of the space I left earlier (as a demonstration), and it shows that I would have no idea where that click came from.

Let's wrap this up by discussing the benefits of using tracking ID's!

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dover Premium
Nice and everything ready,just find the best ways to promote.
DaveRay Premium
Excellent Marcus!

Its all in the numbers!
smokeywins Premium
Excellent Marcus!

Its all in the numbers!
Terallion Premium
Very cool!

Thanks for the wonderful idea.
rolfe Premium
Very cool!

Thanks for the wonderful idea.