If all has gone according to plan we'll now be presented with the window for adjusting the formatting of our image. This is what it looks like:

On the left you'll see the image selected, and on the right you'll see all the knobs and buttons for making your image look its best.

The only required field is the Title field, but there are other ones you should be aware of:

Title: The title field simply is what the image is. I haven't entered anything, but I might enter 'Triangles In Space' for this one. When you hover over an image with the mouse cursor on your website, the title is also what's displayed in the little tool tip that appears. It's worth naming this correctly, not just for SEO, but so you can find it in your Media Library later using the search tool!

Caption: Some themes display this well, others not so much. I might enter 'Look at this picture and your brain will explode' here. It's optional.

Alternate Text: The alt text field is a good one to get into the habit of filling out. This tells the search engines what the image is - so again, I might enter 'triangles in space', or perhaps I might enter 'Unbelievably cool surreal triangles in space art'. Get into this habit!

Description: This is purely for your organizational purposes.

Here's what the rest of the dialog box means:

Alignment: This is important as it controls how my image is positioned on the page. I want my image to 'float' to the right of everything else, so I'll choose Right from the drop down menu.

Link URL. By default when someone clicks on your image it takes them to the full sized one. I think that's pretty unprofessional and crap, so I usually click the button 'None' which removes the link. If you want to link to another web page (for example, the image you're uploading is a product image and you want to link it to Amazon), when someone clicks on the image, put that address in here.

Size: Many images get uploaded to Wordpress and they are simply too massive. This is where you can choose a more appropriate size. I usually find that medium does it for me, or if the image is small, full size is fine. Note, we can further fine tune how small the image is later.

Top Tip! By default you cannot change the image sizes that Wordpress has set for you. But, the plugin Simple Image Sizes (by Rahe)lets you change all of that, and create your own defaults! Very cool.

Now we can just hit Insert into Post and the image will be inserted!

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mhamilt Premium
Thanks everyone, glad it's helpful!
lisawells Premium
Thank you so much. Clear, concise and just what I needed! Lisa
Hudson Premium
Thanks Mark,
Super explanation, very clear,
jpnetco Premium
Very nice explanation, I like your style, easy to follow. I've known how to add an image, but never looked at the additional tips you gave, now I look forward to adding more images.
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for the info! I just went through my site and fixed all the images. Thanks again!