Step 5 - We must now copy the specific URL for the image you have just uploaded to you Media Library in step 3.
4.1 - Select the new image from the media library
4.2 - Copy the image URL address
Step 6 - Now all we have to do is replace the original image source URL with our new image source URL in the text widget code.
6.1 - Go back to text widget you created in Step 5
6.2 - Replace original image URL from (or whatever source your link is from) with your new image URL from
As you can see in the above image the image source for the banner is no longer an exterior domain. This means that your banner will no longer be considered "Bad" and will be visible on your site regardless of what type of ad block extensions visitors are running!
DONE - Let's have a look and see if it works:
It does! The banner is visible despite running AdBlock!
Guarantee the Visibility of All of Your Banners
If you apply this method to your affiliate banners you will always be sure all of your visitors are going to see what you are expecting them to see. As long as you don't change any other part of the code everything else will continue to work as normal, including your affiliate links.
Using this method for your affiliate banners also provides you with a little bit more flexibility as well. If you want, you can edit the image in any way you like before you upload it to your media library. This means you are no longer constrained to only what is provided by your affiliate sites.