7 - Repin Images

One of the things you have to avoid is getting caught up in the web of being "all about me". There's nothing social about that kind of attitude because you end up repelling quality followers.

You're on Pinterest to interact and build a community around your brand, so you must also give. And one of the ways you can do this is to repin photos that were posted by other users. That way, you will gain their attention and possibly get them to follow you on Pinterest.

You do not need to repin all photos that you find; just make sure they are images that interest you.

8 - Pin High-Quality Images

To gain the attention of the right crowd, images that you post have to be of exceptional quality. I'm talking about photos that will not only attract repins but also attract new followers.

To ensure the best quality, stick to the recommended photo sizes which are horizontal (max 554px) and vertical (no limit).


Pinterest is a great social media platform to find and share interesting content, connect with new friends, and grow your brand’s influence.

But first, you will have to grow the number of followers that you have and this tutorial provides you with some proven methods to use.

They are simple and easy to get started with, but you also need to be consistent in applying these Pinterest strategies.

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YvonneBray Premium
Thank you Israel for these strategies. You have helped provide me with a better understanding of Pinterest and its usefulness to me. You will be pleased to know, I have joined and started pinning. But I'm having trouble putting the little links on myy website.
Israel17 Premium
Oh, good to know you're now actively using Pinterest, Bray! Not to worry, you're going to get used to all of these soon, my friend! Are you very sure your theme is responsive enough?

Israel Olatunji
YvonneBray Premium
My theme??? responsive?? What do you mean by that Israel my friend? Now you have me worried, here I am trying to follow in your footsteps :)
Israel17 Premium
Oh, do not worry, Bray. I was just trying to find out if you're using a responsive theme for your WordPress website? You know responsive themes can help in improving load time.

Israel Olatunji
YvonneBray Premium
Oh. the theme seems responsive, so far haven't had any problems with it. My loading time is rather quick on wireless.
Newme202 Premium
Awesome training. Very engaging
Israel17 Premium
Hey Newme202! Glad you found my Pinterest marketing training awesome and engaging! Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
philmedia Premium Plus
So quick question, I have around 13 boards all sub related to my niche but nothing personal if I added a person board to my core brand ( say where I live ) would I still build in my logo into the photo like I do with the others or just rely on my brand name on the account... thanks for sharing as ever very useful...Phil
Israel17 Premium
Hey Phil, thanks again for stopping by! Yeah, it would be good you incorporate your brand logo into the photos to attract more audiences and gain more followers in no time. You can use Canva for logo designing. Thanks for asking!

Israel Olatunji
Ibrahim73 Premium Plus
Thanks for sharing.
Israel17 Premium
Appreciate your comment, Ibrahim! Thanks for reading my Pinterest marketing tutorial! See you rock your social media marketing soon!

Israel Olatunji