Leverage Tailwind

Tailwind is one of the planner tools that help you stay consistent with your everyday blogging schedule. It’s a scheduler that helps you schedule your pins (for Pinterest users). Have you ever wanted to know how you can stay active on Pinterest and make the most out of this great social media? Tailwind can do just that for you without having to spend a nasty lot of time on socializing.

Having constant scheduling of pins for Pinterest is a great way to stay active and promote your blog posts on Pinterest which ensures that you can continue gaining traffic to your site.

Bloggers can testify to Pinterest as one of the traffic generating social networks and most often (if not at all times) is the highest traffic source.

Schedule Your Facebook Posts

Facebook Scheduler is an under-utilized tool. It is a completely free tool. No extra app download or payment is required. Everything is right there on Facebook. When it comes to leveraging a social media platform to promote and grow a blog, Facebook is instrumental.

Accept this or not, millions of people are still on Facebook and will likely be there for years to come. I schedule my posts on Facebook every Friday for the upcoming week. It’s extremely easy to use and the system notifies you after the post has been published. Here is the guide:

• Draft the post and click the continue button

• Next, choose the When will it be published option

• Next, choose the time and date

• Finally, schedule your post.

Congrats! You’re all set and good to go with your scheduled posts on Facebook.

Staying active on your Facebook Page and the entire Social Media will help you keep in touch with your followers/audience and consistently build engagement with them lest they stop checking back on you.

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PeterN1843 Premium
Hi Israel hope you're doing well. Thank you for reminding me about being consistent with my blogging.

I'm using Microsoft Word for all my planning and scheduling. I created templates that for each of my social media channels. It looks like a calendar with dates indicating when I should publish and send my posts.

I am trying to schedule all of my posts a month in advance, so I know exactly where I'm at.

Very helpful training as always Israel!

Israel17 Premium
Great to know, Peter! You rock, my friend. Keep on planning and scheduling and keep on rocking your blog. Having a routine is helpful to keep at consistent blogging while others may prefer not to design such a routine. Thanks for taking the time to read this training tutorial!

Israel Olatunji
AlanJE Premium Plus
Very helpful training, thank you Israel, Alan,
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, Alan! Thanks for taking the time to read this training tutorial! If those tips are followed and working strategies implemented, consider your blog going viral in search engine results pages. Thanks for your contributions!

Israel Olatunji
Cc843002 Premium
Hi Israel,
Thanks for another vital training.
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, Chris! Thanks for dropping by and kudos for taking the time to read this training piece! While it costs a bit to use most of the planner tools out there, it may interest you to know that it's free to use the Post Planner tool on a Facebook profile. Thanks for leaving a thought!

Israel Olatunji
Loes Premium
Hi Israel, I am always on the lookout for free to use programs for my cool amazing website tools list. I have checked up the Clever fox website, but I don´t see any free option there. What's included in the free version, and where to find it?
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for dropping by, Loes! Yes, the Clever Fox Planner isn't a free planner tool and that's why I mentioned in the tutorial that I wasn't going to mention the URL since it's only allowed here to use anchor links for platforms that offer free services. That's categorically stated in the post below by Kyle. However, you can leverage the Post Planner for free on your Facebook profile but for a Facebook fan page, it costs a little amount, while you'll get unlimited access to use it on all groups and pages. Hope it helps, Loes! Check the image below for further reference.

Thanks for leaving a thought!

Israel Olatunji
Loes Premium
Thank you, I overlooked that in you article, not suitable for my page
Israel17 Premium
Great, Loes! You rock. Thanks for getting back!

Israel Olatunji
Mick-D Premium
I recently did a review on the Panda Planner.. lol.
Israel17 Premium
Kudos to you for coming up with that discovery, greensail! Much excited! Glad to know you're already planning posts via the Panda Planner! Thanks for reading!

Israel Olatunji