5. Verify Your Google My Business (GMB)
While Google My Business listing is significant to any local site, it can help boost national sites as well. The most important thing is to operate a verified Google My Business listing in your specialty and comply with Google’s guidelines.
To verify your listing, request a postcard from Google to be sent to your office or home address. Once the card is delivered to you, enter the code encrypted in it and get your GMB listing verified. In case you don’t want people visiting your business address, you can hide it using Google Maps.
6. Use Long-tail or Low Competition Keywords When Your Blog is still in the Google Sandbox
While you aren’t getting search engine traffic yet to your site, it may happen that with some low competition or long-tail keywords, some content can receive rankings for such keywords while you keep struggling to get out of the sandbox period.
And to come up with some low competition keywords, you have Jaaxy at your disposal to leverage.
Competitor Research
In an effort to target more specific or competitors’ keywords, SEMrush will help you analyze the competitors’ sites and leverage some of the keywords they are ranked for. To get started, enter the competitor’s domain in the search toolbar, and get some of the keywords they’re ranked for.
Each point will take me a while to get my head around but I'm working on it.
Thanks so much.
Lily 😊