The Importance of Site Speed to Your Business

I - A fast site speed rewards visitors on your site with a rich user experience. It's always nice to visit sites that have fast-loading pages. It feels like the website is very responsive to every action that you perform while on it.

On average, users expect your web pages to load in 3 seconds or less and anything slower than that isn't acceptable. Delay of a page load speed in milliseconds can lead to a high bounce rate and lower conversion rates.

II - Many web visitors will judge your brand based on how they perceive the load speed of your site.

It sounds hard to believe but it's true that visitors perceive a brand with fast loading speed as a reliable one. On the other hand, a site with slow loading speed is seen to be a brand that doesn't take its business and customers seriously.

III - Slow loading speed negatively affects your SEO leading to a fall in your website’s search ranking on SERPs.

Also, a slow loading site or page is a clear indication that the site isn't optimized for mobile users.

IV - Slow site speed will lead to a loss of revenue arising from a high bounce rate and lower conversion rate.

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LanaC4 Premium
Hi Israel,
Thank you for this training. However, I must be honest and say this is all Greek to me. Your page was recommended to me because my site health said that I might have too many plugins. Their recommendation was a max of 5. I checked and I have 13. The problem is I don't know which ones are important and which ones I can delete. They are all active. I only added two that I know of.
Secondly, your first point; "Not Using Content Delivery Network (CDN)" sounds like a good point but I don't know how to check what I am using or how to install it if I'm not.
Forgive my ignorance. If you could offer any advice I'd appreciate it. I'm good if you could just offer advice about the plugins. I'll start there.
Thank you.
Israel17 Premium
Oh sorry about the speed issues experienced, Lana! For now, reduce your plugins to a max of 5. Include only one SEO plugin (such as All-in-One SEO), one social share plugin, one image optimization plugin, one plugin for GDPR compliance, and the 5th plugin for speed optimization plugin (such as WP Rocket, etc). Hope it helps! Don't hesitate to get back to me if you need any further help.

Israel Olatunji
LanaC4 Premium
Thank you, Israel! I will try that. I'll let you know how it goes.
lesabre Premium
Thank you Israel for the lesson. That looks like the inside of my Corvette:)

Best wishes,
Israel17 Premium
Great, Michael! Glad you found my site speed solution tutorial useful! Much impressed!

Israel Olatunji
Jenny28 Premium
Thanks Israel for pointing these things out. I am currently using the fast velocity minify plugin, and it really helps my speed.
Israel17 Premium
Good to know you are already enjoying higher loading speed using the Fast Velocity Minify Plugin, Jenny! Thanks for contributing!

Israel Olatunji
ChrisHiew Premium
Hi, thank you for this great training but are we allow to install CDN in our website? I asked this because site support indicated that CDN is not allowed.

Anyway, how we do setup an CDN service and which plugin you can recommended.

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your message, Chris! One of the plugins I would recommend is the Fast Velocity Minify Plugin. Thanks for reading!

Israel Olatunji
ChrisHiew Premium
Thank you Israel,

I have installed the said plugin. Can you help to configure the setting? I have tried to do the setting but it doesn’t show any improvement.

Israel17 Premium
Oh, sorry for the challenges faced in configuration settings, Chris! I think I would have to ask you first which theme you are currently on? Because with the right theme, you might not even need installation of any cache plugin at all. Awaiting your response!

Israel Olatunji
ChrisHiew Premium
Thrive theme builder and my mobile speed is pretty slow.

They have pre-installed W3 cache and Total Cache plugin but doesn’t help. Site support asked me to contact the theme support .

I did and they said it might be WA hosting issues. Asked me to transfer to Wix hosting.

I am in a dilemma.

Claudiojuan Premium
Excellent tips to consider. Do you also think the templates with which we are working are important?
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your comment, Claudio! Oh, yes, your theme is very important when it comes to getting high site loading speed.

Israel Olatunji
Claudiojuan Premium
Great, Many thanks!