Visitors are always in a hurry to check out what they are looking for and, thus, it will be at a disadvantage if they pay a visit and pages cannot load the files on time.
If your site would have to send in too many HTTP requests to other servers for files to get fully loaded, most people that visit may not be so patient to wait. So, it may be annoying for visitors to keep waiting while pages refuse to load the important files on time. Sometimes visitors click away and get the information they need from other sources.
If your site takes a longer time than expected to load files, it may hurt your ranking and you may not earn revenue on time. It’s frustrating not to the visitors alone, but also to you (The Site Owner).
Since the ultimate goal is to appear on the first page, position #1, a high loading speed rate is required to have your website listed there. If your site is able to load texts and images in 2-3 seconds only, it has the potential to appear as one of the top results in search engines.
When visitors type their query for the information they are looking for, your site may probably show up on the first page so far it can load files in 2-3 seconds – meaning that if a page doesn’t load quickly, its rankings may be affected negatively. If it must take your site more than 3.5 seconds to load, it’s not likely it will appear on the first page. The competition is very high over there; so you need to take actionable steps to boost your site loading speed.
As you continue to keep visitors around, you’ll keep having an increase in the number of active subscribers and there will be improvements in your bounce rate. Once your bounce rate begins to reduce, the effect on your site is going to be a better ranking and traffic.