6. Idea Generator for Portent Content

Simply enter the subject matter of your niche, and the idea generator will generate catchy headlines. Enter your keyword. These are some of the titles I got for health.

  • The 20 Best YouTube Videos on Health
  • 5 Ways that Health is Completely Unrated
  • 19 Podcasts on Health
  • 17 Things Your Children Don't Want to Tell You About Health
  • Why Health is the 51st Color of Grey


These tools will provide endless ideas and suggestions for improving your post, while others will help you to create new content. We all get stuck sometimes and with the help of these tools, you don’t ever need to feel frustrated.

Take the time to check your competition in Google under each heading that you like to make sure that you can compete. You are looking for headings that come up with Reddit, Quora, or other community forums as authors for the best results. Doing this research will help you to rank faster and higher.

Here are some more tutorials to help you:

Read about how to analyze your competitors.

Improve your readability and have your readers coming back.

8 more ways to overcome writer’s block.

Thank you for reading today’s tutorial, I hope it has inspired you.

Please leave a comment and a like.

Warm Regards,


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YvonneBray Premium
I did a quick comparison between headline generator and your number one and I noticed headline generator scores are very low.

So I adapted the title and got 30%

I tried the same headline that I was thinking of using in SEO Headline Analyzer and scored a very low 48%

I will need to rethink my heading Lily
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Great to see you giving them a good try out Yvonne.
Would you like to PM me and we can work your title through together?

YvonneBray Premium
I will thanks Lily
Yemcom2021 Premium
Another great topic, Aussiemuso. If I may ask, where to get this headline Analyzer? Or is it a plugin to install?
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
You have to search each by name as links were not provided. They are stand-alone websites though one of them has a Firefox Plugin, none that I know of are WordPress Apps.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
As Andy said, it is easy to Google them.

Lily 😁🎶
Yemcom2021 Premium
Okay, thanks!
Yemcom2021 Premium
Feochadan Premium Plus
Thank you very much for these resources!

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Darlene.
I hope that your week is going well.
Lily 😁🎶
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Excellent set of resources to make you think clickthrough and convert like a pro with your ranked content.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks Andy. I enjoy using these tools for ideas.

I hope that you are staying well.
Lily 😁🎶
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Covid can't catch me I have been bobbing and weaving and the rest can't keep me down.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
That's great to hear Andy.
Being in this community really helps to keep me positive during these times.

SWhitley Premium
Great tools to add value to our posts. The headline is what grabs attention and brings traffic. Thanks Lily!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely correct. You can then check out your competition in Google and feel that at least you might have a chance at ranking on that first page.
