Write headlines that work


  1. Solution
    Why (a particular problem) and what to do.
    Example: Why do you have so few website traffic and what can you do about it?
  2. Experts
    A number of experts who share something.
    Example: 12 Nutritionists share their favorite recipes.
  3. Comparison
    Make a comparison in the title. "Are you more like ... or ...?"
    Example: Are you more like a cat or a lion?
  4. Sidenote
    The main subject, followed by a note.
    Example: 7 lessons I learned from my mom (# 4 is my favorite).
  5. Keyword
    Keyword: Supporting Keywords.
    Example: Healthy Living: How to live healthy without diary.
  6. Promise
    Make a promise of something.
    Example: We can help you get 30% more traffic to your blog.
  7. Results
    How to get the desired result in a particular timetable.
    Example: How we increased our traffic by 30% in 7 weeks.
  8. News
    A news release.
    Example: News: Cholera outbreak in the city.
  9. Action
    The title shows an action, with an action word (for example, NOW)
    Example: Sign the petition NOW.
  10. Branding
    The title begins with a formula from this 51, followed by a unique brand.
    Example: 51 Formulas for the best headlines: WA Training by Loes
  11. Public
    Public, followed by a question.
    Example: Students! Was this training clear?

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tyrellch Premium
I can already see a few candidates for my posts this week, this is brilliant
Loes Premium
Alright! I wish you success!
Chezbrown Premium
Thanks so much for this Loes and will certainly star it for future use. xx
Loes Premium
Thank you, very much appreciated:)
MKearns Premium
Thank you for this dictionary of headline ideas Loes. Most definitely saved!
Loes Premium
Hope you will benefit from it Michael:)
MAstick Premium
Good headline ideas Loes.
Loes Premium
Thank you Mark, use them wisely;)
ChrisScott Premium
Looking forward to going through this. Very needed!!
Loes Premium
Enjoy it Chris:)
ChrisScott Premium
I absolutely did!!! Brilliant as alway! Thank you, Loes, for going through the trouble of teaching us.
Loes Premium
You´re very welcome Chris