
People love free stuff! Honestly, don't you like gifts? I know I certainly do, especially when I win something. If you publicize a contest or drawing available on your site, you’ll generate more traffic than normal. Make sure your sweepstakes rules are legal in all states and countries you are targeting. The prizes should be designed to attract individuals who fit the profile of the visitors you are expecting to convert.

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Ireland123 Premium
Thank you, very interesting post. You do not see this subject matter discussed too often here at the WA. It is very kind of you to enlighten all of us. Again, many thanks and well done.

Sbaxter Premium
Yes, it's one of things I realized because when I searched here I mostly just saw abou SEO and social media, so I thought, hey, why not add what I found?
solidbase Premium
Thank you for sharing your business expertise with us.
It is much appreciated.
CindyFS1971 Premium
Fantastic training and excellent suggestion. Thank you so much. i am heading to the site you suggested and getting signed up. It is always great to have a new way to look at things and find ways that work for you. Thanks again. :)
Sbaxter Premium
I'm really glad you found it useful and hope you will get the results you're looking for.
rosieM Premium
You brought to light some avenues not brought up too often and they are very viable options....thank you!
Sbaxter Premium
You're welcome.. I myself have spent so much time wondering how to get traffic without spending money, so i researched quite a bit and figured i should share as well..
TJamil Premium
Thanks for sharing! They're useful!
Sbaxter Premium
You're welcome ☺