All the work is done not quit done. You should review and make any small adjustments you think could help. If you need to add things like a some type of text that gives the audience your website. Place some of these things at the bottom and end of the video. Have them pop in somewhere in the last 30 to 40 seconds of the video.

This is also the time to do some of the editing you will need to create the final winning video creation. There are many different video editors you can down load. Depending of what type of video you are creating will depend on you editor. Camtasia has a great video editor if you are doing training videos. There are also apps you can down load to your smartphone or ipad.

Once all is complete, have a colleague, friends, or family give you and honest review of your video. Sometimes we realize that we said a few things that just don't sound right. Make all the necessary adjustments ad take in all the suggestions. Some will come from experienced community members inside WA. These folks will be your greatest asset when creating winning video.

If you create video and would like the community to review it before, or even after you post it on your website. Please add the link in the comments below.

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Loes Premium
I'll be back on this one when I am ready to roll:) great advice Ken
sag3 Premium
Why wait?...LOL :-)
Loes Premium
Yeah Great$#%@!
AlexEvans Premium Plus
Hi Ken thankyou for sharing this , it is going to be so helpful.It is an area that I am very intertested in.
sag3 Premium
Glad to help Evan. Let me know how you progress and if I can help review some of your work.
johnwnewman Premium
Great training! Thanks :-)
sag3 Premium
You are Welcome John, Please share along the way to help others struggling.
diondree Premium
I've planning to redo my video and these tips will go a long way in helping it be much better than the first
sag3 Premium
Please, When you get the new one up and running. feel free to share. I would love to see it.
diondree Premium
I will be sure to, thanks for that.
CathyS Premium
Bookmarked! Awesome!
sag3 Premium
Thank You Cathy.