4. Lists Provide Context

Listicles can partially function as a table of contents. Before you begin, you should know exactly what you are getting into. How video marketing can improve my bounce rate. Yes, that's possible. Are there 200 ways video marketing can improve my bounce rate?

Listicles can be likened to a friend with many benefits. They are free of strings and require no commitment. It’s obvious that listicles are very popular.

5. Lists Are Inclusive

No one has ever said, "I love being last to know something." It's easy to learn the details with a list. People like to believe they know everything. If they see 10 reasons why San Francisco has the best view, they want to be sure they're not missing anything.

A listicle doesn't make you feel guilty. Moderation is the key to success with all things. Although there are numerous articles that warn against listicles' dangers, as long as you don't eat too many you’re safe. Simply break them up with other meaty articles of substance, and you should be fine. Listicles are the top 10 most popular types of content

6. Lists Are a Great Way to Get Information for Readers.

Human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds to 8 seconds since the Year 2000. This is shorter than the attention span for a goldfish.

This deep decline in attention spans has one result: People aren’t reading news, they’re snacking news. This means that they are more likely to check the news for less time and with less frequency.

Lists are an easy way to get information quickly to distracted readers. They're not a five-course meal.

Next, why do lists get more attention?

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List posts are very useful especially if you're interested in the topic.

This training caught my one eye (one joke here) because I just can't handle the fuss and struggle of doing long posts.

So, I was doing 2 list posts before and this training confirms that I am on the right track.

Who knows maybe I am creating a masterpiece?

Thank you Lily for sharing your thoughts. Much appreciated.

All the best!

Maxine :))
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Please create a masterpiece for all of us, Maxine.😉
Guess what.

I will because nobody really think that I can.

Dhind1 Premium Plus
Thank you so much for another post full of useful information for building our business.
You have done a lot of these recently, and I want to say thank you.

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
How kind of you to say Alex.
I'm so pleased that you are finding value in them.
Wishing you great success.

Lily 😁🎶
Chinthaka5 Premium
great stuff to read and then practice.thanks for share
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are so welcome.

Lily 😁🎶
Jenny28 Premium
Great stuff Lily! I enjoy writing list posts, they’re easy to write, they break up the content and they’re easy to read and draw people’s attention.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely Jenny,
So easy to write and they stay popular for longer.

Lily 😁🎶
TitaWorks Premium
Thanks, Lily!

-- Netta
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Always something new to learn.

Lily 😁🎶