For questions related to your niche, head over to the appropriate subreddit to look at the posts.

You will see the results as a cloud. Font sizes will be larger for subreddits with large numbers of subscribers. Target those with the most subscribers.

You can see the Trending sections once you are in the subreddit. This will show you what type of posts your audience wants. You can use these tools to find the most popular blog post ideas in your niche.

Do what works. Find topics that have a lot of traffic and shares in your industry. These posts will give you an idea of the type of posts that will be most successful.


This is a top-rated content marketing tool. Buzzsumo is great for finding popular topics in any Niche. Similar to the other tools mentioned, it displays the most popular articles.

It provides a wealth of information about the most popular title structures and topics. It is simple and straightforward to use. You can search by topic or site URL. Also, it's a good idea to check out your competitors' post ideas.

Don't forget to play with filters. If you are looking for newsworthy stories, limit your search parameters to the past week or month.

The tool will show you the type of content that gets shared most often if you enter your target keyword. There's an even better way to find more blog post ideas.

It's great to see what your competitors are doing on blogs. This tool will show you the most popular content from their blogs. You can then browse the results to come up with your blog title ideas

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Proprov Premium
Outstanding post! I got so much out of this.
I feel like l be cheating. Kidding of course!
I can't wait for your next post.
Thank you,
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Stephen
richardgb Premium
Thanks, Jim!
A very useful trining.
JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Richard
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for this tutorial, Jim! It came in handy as choosing a blog title to write about is most people's challenge in blogging. Thanks!

Israel Olatunji
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Israel.
LouiseBT Premium
Wow, Jim! You have shared a lot of options here.
Thank you so much!
JKulk1 Premium
My pleasure Louise. I only hope it was useful to you.
Zoopie Premium
Nice, I use Quora and you are right. You can get people who will follow you if you provide quality answers.
Nice post

JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Stephen. Glad you like it. Mind you, I had a few issues navigating the tutorial training system.
Zoopie Premium
I got a short prison sentence for providing a link too many.lol. Back again though..
JKulk1 Premium
Is there a link in the training? I hope not.