Now that we have it figured out, let's proceed to our 10 proven strategies for getting more YouTube subscribers.

1 - Produce Engaging Videos

People are willing to watch videos because videos add unique value to them such as to entertain, educate, or inform them.

And if you're going to attract new subscribers and retain the existing ones, your videos need to deliver such value, from beginning to the end.

Before you produce any videos, always ask yourself what it is that you expect your viewers to gain after watching the videos. If you do not have a direct answer to that, it means there's no unique value that you are offering through your video.

Always ensure that your videos entertain, inform, and educate your viewers, or they have at least 2 out of the 3 attributes.

2 - Create Custom Thumbnails for Your Videos

Instead of having your videos' thumbnails automatically generated for you, it would do you a lot of good to create custom thumbnails for yourself.

With custom thumbnails, you can design your videos to your taste, attract more people, and better explain the content of your videos.

You can also include annotations and relevant images when creating the custom thumbnails for your YouTube videos.

This is an effective strategy for gaining a higher CTR (click-through rate) and attracting new subscribers to your YouTube channel.

You can access free tools (Canva, etc) online for creating thumbnails or engage professional graphic designers on Fiverr. The ideal size to use for your YouTube thumbnail is 1280 px by 720 px.

3 - Optimize Your Video Titles

One of the creative ways of distinguishing your videos from the millions of others is by optimizing your video titles. If your video titles aren't attractive enough, the chances of getting high views become dimmer.

With the right copywriting skills, you can craft titles that offer useful benefits, attract the right audience, and inspire people to click on them. More importantly, you should also deploy the best SEO practices when creating titles for your YouTube videos.

  • Include your target keyword into the title of your YouTube video to make it visible in search results
  • Research popular keywords and search terms that your target audience is using and include them in your video titles
  • Make your YouTube video titles as descriptive and engaging as possible
  • Do not use video titles that are too long; a maximum of 50 characters is enough to communicate your video's title clearly.

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wesley26 Premium
Nice tips thanks
Ahimbe Premium
I want to give more time to YouTube activity, so I find this training timely for my plans. Thank you for this.
JosephC00 Premium Plus
Thank you for sharing the10 Proven Strategies for Getting More YouTube Subscribers, I really appreciate it.
Israel17 Premium
You are highly cherished, Joseph. When it comes to getting traffic boost through video content, YouTube is the right place to be. Thanks again, my friend!

Israel Olatunji
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Great tutorial Israel. I'm still nervous about doing YouTube but this has made me think about how I will do it down the track.

Thanks so much.
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, my friend, Lily! Trust me, if you can make use of a powerful AI speech-to-text tool like Speechelo, creating awesome videos becomes a simple task for you.

Israel Olatunji
WardFun Premium
This right on time, I'm starting to focus on youtube thank you
Israel17 Premium
Ohh, good to know, WardFun! YouTube will help take your business to a greater height, I promised. Thanks for the reading!

Israel Olatunji