4 - Plan All Videos Before Production

Building a YouTube channel is similar to building a house, a business, or any other entity that you expect to grow over time. That's why it is important to put the right plan in place before you create your first YouTube video.

The first thing you need to sort out is the purpose of your YouTube channel and the unique value you want to offer your subscribers. If there's nothing that sets your channel apart from others, then you have no business creating a YouTube channel.

The other details about your YouTube channel can be sorted out after that – channel name, target audience, the tone of your videos, etc.

Then you come to the stage where you have to start creating videos that you will be uploading on your YouTube channel.

At this point, you'll need to create detailed scripts for your videos before you produce them. These scripts will help you stay organized, make efficient use of available resources, stay on track, and produce videos that are coherent.

Finally, there's the part where you rehearse the content of your videos before going into the studio for live production.

5 - Optimize Your Video Descriptions

Video description is very important because it makes it easier for your videos to be found on search engines, and also previews the content of the video.

Viewers should be able to have a good idea of what your video is all about by simply reading the video description. A well-optimized video will improve the chances of your video being found and the link being clicked by viewers.

Your video description should include your target keyword, offer a detailed description of the video and shouldn't be too long.

Ensure you do not over-promote the video description but instead, let it have a natural flow with your YouTube video.

6 - Make it Easier to Find You

YouTube offers channel owners a tool that enables them to link their website URL to their YouTube channel.

This feature allows you to take advantage of the traffic that your channel is attracting and driving the traffic to your website. Another advantage of this is that your YouTube channel can easily be verified as a true representative of your brand since you linked it to your official website.

You can add your website URL under the Channel settings on your YouTube page. Another option you could use is to manually add your website URL in the description of your YouTube videos.

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wesley26 Premium
Nice tips thanks
Ahimbe Premium
I want to give more time to YouTube activity, so I find this training timely for my plans. Thank you for this.
JosephC00 Premium Plus
Thank you for sharing the10 Proven Strategies for Getting More YouTube Subscribers, I really appreciate it.
Israel17 Premium
You are highly cherished, Joseph. When it comes to getting traffic boost through video content, YouTube is the right place to be. Thanks again, my friend!

Israel Olatunji
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Great tutorial Israel. I'm still nervous about doing YouTube but this has made me think about how I will do it down the track.

Thanks so much.
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, my friend, Lily! Trust me, if you can make use of a powerful AI speech-to-text tool like Speechelo, creating awesome videos becomes a simple task for you.

Israel Olatunji
WardFun Premium
This right on time, I'm starting to focus on youtube thank you
Israel17 Premium
Ohh, good to know, WardFun! YouTube will help take your business to a greater height, I promised. Thanks for the reading!

Israel Olatunji