Thoroughly Impressed With your Free Platform
I've been around the industry of network marketing and also affiliate marketing for quite some time now; I have to say that what has been put together here is nothing short of awesome.
I've taken an educational approach to network marketing as well - through the movement I call TopNetworkersGroup. One of the key things we want members of our organization to focus on is growth. We want our business partners to learn skills and to become better than they were before they signed up with us.
It's important while growing to get around others who are growing.
It's that whole conversation about how much our Environment matters. The reason people go to church is often not because they are perfect. They go to be with others who are struggling to be better. It's easier to do the right thing when you surround yourself with others who have that common goal.
On my personal journey as a person with no formal training in business; discovering online communities with like minded people has always been a joy. It's one of the best parts of the internet really. There are usually communities full of people with common interests and who share similar ideas.
This site has found a way to monetize that - a Community platform that teaches business while giving this community real tools; and training - so they can make money with the tools that have been provided to them. It's truly been put together well.
I've had a few days to look around on here now, and I can easily see why the conversion rate is so high. A great networker with networking skills and a solid company usually has a closing (conversion) ratio of 1 out of 10. The tools here are strong. Kudos to the creators of this platform for incorporating a lot of what has emerged as the 'better ideas' of what we as marketers should be doing.
(learn more about our movement @ )
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I'm really digging everything about it. More and more each day as I go through the tools; Set up my blog and am gonna focus in on my favorite sports team; Looking forward to what unfolds :)
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreicated the honesty.