Opps I Made a Mistake I Posted to the Wrong Website
Hi guys, I just made a mistake and posted an article to the wrong website through WA Hubs. I noticed about 20 minutes later when I returned to my machine of my error and thought what am I going to do now?
Not to worry I got it sorted and decided to let the community know it's not hard to correct.
If you go to Site Content On the article you posted click on the down arrow beside the G at the end of the line for your article. It offers 2 options Make a copy and Delete.First off make a copy. Once we have completed our next stage you will come back here and delete that article pointing to the wrong website address.
Next open up the article to edit and remove the word copy in the title and post it this time to the correct website.
As mentioned you need to delete the incorrect one in the list and also on your incorrect website. Google doesn't like duplication.
As it's only been a short time there should be no repercussions with indexing however, if you notice a similar error after a week or so then I would remove it from the wrong website and leave for a week or two then post to the correct website giving Google a chance to see it's gone. Quite possibly rewording it a bit to make it not exactly the same as the first.
Thanks to the guys at WA for making it plain sailing through the platform.
So if like me you have several websites and are creating loads of content then be careful to choose the correct one from the dropdown.
Never-the-less rest easy as it's an easy fix.
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I would be lying if I say this has never happened to me before Mark, but... the fix is very easy as you rightly say!
Take care my friend and all the very best for the future! :-)
I'm sure there are many who have made the same mistake. As I have found out its very easy to change. Just thought I would pay it back and help any newbies getting to grips with the hub features.
I'm sure there are many as well Mark and it is always great to help out others when we can my friend!