Not the Old Man I Thought I'd Be
As a young college student less than 20 years of age studying for my first degree, I remember planning out the highlights of my life, as young people are wont to do.
I had dreams, big dreams. And at that point I believed they would materialize in a fashion that closely resembled the way I envisioned those dreams to come true. Interestingly, I revisited that place in my memory around the time I turned a half century old. Maybe it was a sort of mid life reevaluation, or perhaps my "stream of consciousness" type of thinking just happened on that particular place in the recesses of my mind.
In any event, as I recounted the highlights of those imaginings, I was somewhat surprised to realize that I had actually seen the majority of those dreams come of fruition, Sort of. I had served as a parish pastor to several congregations, started and built a successful counseling practice, become a father and grandfather, earned numerous licenses and certifications, served on numerous boards and committees that were committed to helping others--even chaired a few of them, taught students from kindergarten through the university level, assisted numerous individuals in starting their own businesses, and generally accomplished much of what I'd planned, so to speak. As I recall that experience of remembering and evaluation my progress in life, one major role I hadn't fulfilled was to earn my Doctoral degree.
Don't misunderstand me here. I hold great admiration for those individuals, including my baby sister who have accomplished that magnificent milestone. It's just that at some point I guess I stopped believing I needed that title to feel like my intellectual pants were zipped. I value education greatly. Since my philosophy of education has always valued the process of teaching others how to learn rather than telling them what they should know, being involved in the Open Education Project at Wealthy Affiliate University is ideal.
I am convinced my involvement in this community will help a number of the plans I made in that early part of my life will come of fruition. Of particular concern on my part is the ability to help people on a much larger scale, and the opportunity to travel, as well as help my family enjoy more opportunity. Those things will materialize without a doubt as I continue this journey.
While the financial goals I set as that young idealistic college student have not yet materialized at this point, the wonderful realities I enjoy in other realms of life is far more rewarding than anything I'd imagined. I have less money and more wealth.
I do less striving and more arriving, I'm less tormented and more content, less invested in doing and more invested in being, less excessive and more healthy, do less searching and more enjoying, have less polarity and more balance, less struggle and more peace, less resentment and more forgiveness.
All in all, I experience far less fear and both give and receive much more real love.
To be sure, at 66 years young, I am not anything close to the old man I thought I'd be. I'm without a doubt a much better human being.
All in all, I'm most richly blessed.
Grace & Peace!
Recent Comments
Terri, What a great post. If you were penniless and living on the street, you would stil be a very weathy man.
You are blessed, and realizing that you are fortunate is the greatest thing of all.
Hey Terri. What a heart for ministry you have - for your family and the world beyond! It's interesting to see that even though we didn't do everything the way we planned, our talents and giftings were used somehow along the way. Here's to new adventures for you in '16!
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Ben there and done that. 75 in a few months. 25 to go. It is what you make it........Tom.