Don't Forget Engagement on Your YouTube Channel

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Hi everyone,

Just a gentle reminder to not just upload your videos on YouTube but also to watch out for comments. Engage your audience by replying to them.

Due to having fight cancer for past few years, I neglected my Flowing Love Meditation channel. Since Jan 2024, I started to upload videos again.

Then I started to get comments on the new videos. So, today I scheduled time to reply to them.

When I clicked on the Comments tab on my YouTube Studio dashboard, I was shocked (yet pleasantly surprised) to see so many more comments. Many of them were left weeks and months ago. Some even a year ago.

I told myself - Don't panic. Better late than never, right?

And I can explain that I was late in replying because I was battling cancer. So, I did just that. And just finished replying right up to the latest comments.


What is the Lesson Today?

Engagement is important. In fact, one of the people who commented know this and said that part of the reason she is commenting is for the YouTube algorithm. My thanks to her for her kind help. Bless her.

So, what I learned:

  • It's ok to not be ok. To reply late as long as there is a legitimate reason.
  • Act quickly. Reply to your audience as soon as possible.
  • I will start to monitor and do that from now on. For both of my YouTube channel.

I hope you can benefit from what I have learned today.

I wish you good health, wealth and success!


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So true Tim! Engagement is essential with all of our online activities...

Best continued success with your channel my friend! :-)

Thanks, Nick 🙏

Do you have a YT channel? If yes, then I wish you great success with it too, buddy!


Most welcome Tim!

I do have a couple of channels but just for fun, nothing to do with my online business!

Have a great start to the weekend buddy! :-)

Have a wonderful weekend, buddy!


You as well buddy!! :-)

What I have learned from watching lots of experts on the subject is that a youtube channel is kind of like a tv series. The public wants to see regular content.

I have even seen people who claim to do videos in bulk then schedule them over a period of up to a month or more

So welcome back and hope it works for you.

I see. Thanks, Michael 🙏

After I recovered from cancer, I have learned not to stress myself. I will create content at a speed that I am comfortable with. And good for my health.

So, if that means slower growth in my channel, so be it.

Strangely though, my Flowing Love Channel is picking up steam since I revived it in January this year. Subscribers have increased significantly.  Many views and comments. I just saw that I have a few more comments today to reply to.

So, it's all good.


I also heard something like this “A teacher is someone who can answer a question when a student is ready to listen”

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