Some Dropped Domains Available to purchase now
One of my projects in 2020 was to go into buying and selling domains and niche websites. Below isa list of names tha thave just been deleted. That means they were held by other people and they have dropped the domains.
Some of you may find it useful. It was current at 14.30 eastern standard time or 20.30 central european time. People will be buying thse domains every minute and when they are gone they are gone.
As you can see they are alphabetical order there are several pet sites but under the alphabet, I havent time to put them in niche order, sorry. You will just have to read them and see if there is anything you want.
if you want to purchase them just search your normal doamin provider
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I was talking with a friend about this a couple of days ago. It's amazing the potential some domains have. She told me many years ago, someone bought the domain and then sold it for millions years afterwards. So, we could be laying our hands on a gold mine, who knows right?
Thanks for sharing.
it's not likely to be a domain that someone drops, but I have bought some before they drop. In the first month, you can pay $69 to reinstate the domain and you get the benefit of the age so I have had some great domains that are twenty years old
Don't see many health/fitness sites. Good domains in that niche are hard to come by. Glad I got about 5 already bought and building them out.
Thanks for sharing Catherine
I think why the fat is there and a few others. You can still buy great dropped domains in that niche . This is just todays list I research them every day
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I browse on dropped and expiring domains every now and then as I know how valuable they can be. Every time I have to remind myself I don't know enough about the subject and that currently, I need to focus on building success with already owned domains. I plan to get in on domain flipping once my business is a bit more established. Thanks for the list anyways!
That sounds sensible