Literally Blind

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(Header image: A woman with a swollen red eye holds a prescription in a doctor's office.)

I have had a bacterial conjunctivitis infection in one of my eyes for the last few days. It feels itchy, and my eyelids are swollen. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and eye drops for the next five days, so hopefully, it will get better.

Someone may have hit me in the eye, lol.

To whomever is out there, and after reading Mark's blog post and hearing crazy stories, don't mess with your eyes. Can you imagine if you lost your vision? What would your life be like, or how would you manage?

Eyes are super essential to look after and care for.


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We take so much for granted. Like our eyesight, our legs, our fingers and so on.
My wife broke her leg three years ago and it still hasn't healed due to a series of complications. It's made me really appreciate the fact I can walk!
I hope your eye gets better soon.


I am so sorry to hear about your Mrs. Rick issues! I hope it eases... I wish her a speedy recovery.

Yeah, totally; I appreciate your wisdom here, Rick!

OUCH! I never had that! During my youth, my college roommate had the same thing you had. It was really bad. She almost lost her eye. She would have been Deaf and Blind. Luckily, her eye was saved. It was an experience that she and I would never forget. We have kept in touch over the years.

I am glad you are on the mend. You would still have your hearing.

I live in an assisted living where we have many seeing eyes Deaf people like me and Deaf & Blind. They carry on with the help of support services and tactical sign language. Many of them had successful lives. They are aging and need more support services. I chat with the Deaf & Blind folks here using my hands into their hands. Most of them got training from the Helen Keller Foundation in New York.

Taking care of our eyes is super important. As I age, I suffer from dry eye conditions due to medications. Yes, Mark's blog posts about dry eyes are super helpful. I hope it helps many other people out there.

That's true; some bacteria got into it, lol.

That may be a viral issue, and you can get medication for that; I believe it is called "Hypromellose," and the antibiotic is "Chloramphenicol." You can check those up with the doctor beforehand. But for your condition, it is more likely the first option.

Thank you, Brenda! I appreciate you.

I take eye drops for my dry eye condition as per by my eye dr's recommendation. No problem so far. Dry eyes are common as we age also medication can dry my eyes out now with that eye drop only need it one time a day I am fine. No worries!

That's good to know, Brenda! I am superbly happy for you :) Thank you for sharing.

Hi Abie
I hope your eye infection clears up soon. Sending positive healing.

As a blind person, I echo your message about how important it is to care for your eyes. Sight is such a precious gift.

However, losing sight doesn't have to be the end - there is always a workaround for most things. Technology has helped me massively, and who knows, in the future, I may even get to drive a car or fly a plane!

Take good care and best wishes.
Tracy ๐Ÿ˜Žโœจ

Just in time, Tracy!

I was reading about how blind people manage, and until now, you mentioned I never knew. Thank you for sharing.

I support that tech vision. I appreciate you, Tracy!

Hi Abie

A friend of mine who used to mix his own cleaning/storage solution for his contact lenses (not gasoline, Mark, Lol) got a serious amoebic infection of his left eye.

After numerous attempts to treat it with anti-microbials and a failed corneal transplant he completely lost vision in that eye and then elected to have the eye removed to treat the ongoing discomfort and prevent the infection from spreading to the contra-lateral side.

Itโ€™s so important to treat our bodies right! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

Yeah, that's really sad. Folks don't know what they miss until it's gone, lol. Some screws might have gone missing in their heads, lol. That's what Dad would say, lol.

Yeah, the tragic part is that he was just trying to save a little money on the contact solution.

My dad had a similar expression about some people having a few screws loose in their head. I used to get a real kick out of it as a small child! Lol ๐Ÿ˜Ž

No, it's not worth it, even the saddest stories Mark has shared for life assurance purposes.

My dad can be funny at times, but I've learned a lot of wise things from him.

My parents were phenomenal entertainers and hosts. At get-togethers for family and friends my dad told many a โ€œtall tale.โ€ He just loved making people laugh. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I can appreciate that; my mom was the same and the center of the party and gatherings, lol An exceptionally great host.

My mom cooked the food while my dad prided himself on being able to mix any drink.

His bar was always incredibly well stocked, even though he wasnโ€™t much of a drinker himself, and he had a entire shelf of books on cocktail making. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Lol, I can imagine your dad. Awesomeness!

My dad would talk about golf and folks' reputations. He would probably say, "Manners make the man." He has a keen eye for detail and never misses anything, lol.

He sounds like a great guy, Abie! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

He is... Just don't get caught in the "Manners make the man," lol

Hahaha, no worries, Abie. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Oh no! Prayers and good vibes coming your way for a quick recovery!

Yeah, lol I'll be fine :) Thanks

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