God Paves Way for his people


Deuteronomy 9 – 11; Proverbs 4

“Understand therefore this day, that the LORD thy God is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the LORD hath said unto thee.” – (Deuteronomy 9:3)

I get a lot of comfort from verses of Scripture like this one. You see, I hate to admit it, but I am basically a very fearful person by nature. I am afraid to try new things; I am afraid to to meet new people; and I am very afraid of rejection and failure. In Deuteronomy chapter 9, God is encouraging another group of fearful people. The people of Israel were about to enter into the land of promise, and though the land was a wonderful place, it was also inhabited by some pretty big and mean dudes who were not too pleased about this new nation moving in. But God reminded them here that they need not be afraid, because he was going to go before them and pave the way for them. He was going to clear the land first, so that the Israelites would basically be able to move right in.

The reason why verses like this one comfort me is because I am also often afraid to do the Lord’s will in my life. God sometimes asks me to do things that I am not naturally comfortable with. I remember the first time that I was asked to do a devotion. Even though the group that I was addressing was only a small group of junior aged boys, I was scared to death; but I knew it was something that God wanted me to do, so I did it. It turned out well, too. God went before me, and He went with me. Soul winning is another activity that causes me great consternation. I am scared to death of rejection. The thought of somebody slamming the door in my face is almost enough to keep me from going. But, again, I know God wants me to “preach the gospel to every creature”; and He always goes before me and provides me with wonderful opportunities to share Christ with the lost, or to encourage the saved.

What has God been asking you to do that you are afraid to do? Remember, He will not ask you to do something that He will not equip you and empower you to do. God will go before you. He will pave the way, and after the road is clear, He will go in with you to help you along the way. You know, every time I overcome my fears and do the thing that the Lord has called me to do – without exception – He blesses; and I walk away with a joy and a fulfillment that is beyond description. I bet that He will do the same thing for you!

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This is supposed to be a business forum. There are plenty of other places for you to post about your Religion. It's also against WA rules, sorry.

If religion is your niche then how could it be against WA rules? Joshua's blog was helpful and inspiring and that is exactly what WA is about. Also the greatest business principals are taught in Scripture.

You are absolutely right! The greatest business principals every taught are indeed in scripture! Personally, I have no issues with this blog and am pleased to see there are others here at WA who agree. And BTW - if I wasn't already following you ... I am now. God Bless!

Sorry Don, but this should not raise religion differences instead to strengthen the newbies.Surely after my first week with WA, when the time to upgrade to premium reached the fear that my money was just going to be taken over the internate raised in me but thank God that when I prayed to Him I felt comfort. I think in business we all need comfort from God

I get my comfort from Google. To each his own. Good luck to you on your business journey here at WA.

You are right, Don! WA has taught me so much and I'm grateful to have landed on it. Much respect to ya, sir!

Never fear Joshua IF you had posted about the benefits of killing unborn children, or of living the gay lifestyle or of being a member of the Satanic church or of disarming American citizens you'd have had all kinds of accolades but even here in the USA Christians are considered extremists and even terroists (the former speaker of the House Harry Reid called us terrorists when we stood our ground at the Bundy Ranch and foiled his plans to steal their cattle and evict them from public lands they had grazed for over 20 years). "“Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man!" - Luke 6:22 so REJOICE!

Yes am impressed many are ready to hear a message a bout God, may God always be good to all of us that he continues guiding us and being there for us even in this online business and the WA community at large.

I'm surprised and pleased this post is here. Many blessings to you as you go about God's work.


I believe as long as you have faith God will show the way and as He told his deciples you are now fishermen of men go spread my word to all the land and you are doing just that all the best Max

oh woow thanks for your qoute

Great teaching Joshua! Fear is our enemy's favorite tool to hold us back from being what God created us to do. We are like sheep gone astray the Bible says and sheep are often driven by fear to go astray.
Thanks and God bless!

All glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. .As long as believers keep their eyes on Jesus, He is walking before and beside us so we may walk in his footsteps and not be afraid.

God didn't create you to be afraid. If we're afraid, that I think, is a little shortage of faith. We need to work on that.

Nahhh - not a shortage of faith. It is the enemy who defines fear. And it's our faith in Christ that helps us overcome that fear. You are absolutely right ... God did not create us to be afraid. God Bless!

Cathy, look at it this way. You cannot have these two forces occupy any space at the same time. Fear cannot conquer faith. Where faith is strong, there is no fear. Fear feeds on those whose faith is weak. That's my point.....Dick

And I agree with you. :-)

This is really an uplifting blog. I read scriptures and devotions everyday. Keep allowing the Lord to use you.

The Almighty Living God is an AWESOME God! Amen?

This is a very interesting point and I know that God moves in mysterious eays!!!

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