My Updated Goals For New Site
Non financial goals
The next 10 days: 100 uvs per day, 500 Facebook likes
The next 30 days: 1000 uvs per day, 5000 Facebook likes
The next 6 months: 10,000 uvs per day, 50000+ Facebook likes
The next year: The big 100,000 uvs per day! bit much I know but hey anything can happen with the support of WA and a bit of luck ;)
Financial goals (even though this doesn't matter too much right now)
1) $1000 a month
2) $1000 a day
3) 8 hours a day
Recent Comments
how old is your site and what's your current traffic? those seem a little aggressive if you're in your first few months, but best of luck!
just a couple of weeks old if that, 10-50 uvs per day right now it's an entertainment niche ( so its easier to build an audience and a fan base so hopefully the goals are reachable :P
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