The Wrong Time for Great Content
Does anyone else experience this? I often come up with the best content at the most inopportune time. I mean out shopping something just pops in my head and I'm like ok this would make a great blog post or at night while lying in bed before I go to sleep so much information just stirs in my head. The bad part about it is when I am able to sit down and write a post it just doesn't come out the way it did in my mind when I first began to think about it. I am beginning to think I may need to sleep with a recorder. I think the best posts come from within and not just researching someone else's thoughts or feelings, so I try to speak from personal experience as much as possible, but if I get writer's block each time I'm able to post what am I to do? This may be my reason for minimal posts on WA. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated...
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So true. I have started keeping a notebook with me to jot those ideas down when they pop up. Another idea might be to use the voice to note on a mobile phone.
Then I like a couple posts I have seen quoting Albert Einstein. With all kidding aside, it has some validity. Write drunk, edit sober :)
Good luck.
I like that quote (lol) I've heard "a drunk person speaks a sober mind". I have actually considered the recorder, because it just makes sense and is so convenient. Thanks for the suggestions and the encouragement!
try this tips, hope it help you :) Are You Having Trouble Creating Content? Here's My Best Tip
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Hello Tirolith,
I was hoping it wasn't just me.