The Skyscraper Technique

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As promised in my last blog, I wanted to share with you all my take on Internet Marketing, how I've approached it and what is working for me.

Now, I say working and I mean it loosely. There are some measured successes that I am having which suggest my implementation is on track, but it is still early days. I am telling you this so you don't blindly follow what I write here, instead, use it as a case study of sorts and take from it what you can. I'd also like to point out, that I do intend to make this into some form of training though, at the moment, it is just my current thought process spilling out into words. I will, of course, do my best to keep some form of structure as we progress!

What I won't cover...

WA is fantastic, it covers the basics better than I could; with this in mind, I am not including the basics. I'll assume that you have a website up and running with some content and you've completed most, if not all of the certification course.

Solid Foundations...

I'd like to start by passing on some research that I uncovered. This is not my work, just in my own words. I think if you can get a grasp on this, it will help you find some traction.

The 'Skyscraper Technique' was coined by a gentleman by the name of Brain Dean. It ties in nicely with our certification course; Content is king! However, he takes it one step further, breaking it down into 4 key pillars of information.

Link Worthy Content:

The basic premise here is that you make content, but you make it better than anything else that's out there! Either take it from a different angle, dig deeper and provide so much value that the content just can't be ignored! Sure, this seems hard at first, but, actually, when you really sit down and think about it, it's not!

2. Make Something Better:
I was looking up something online a few days ago. I wanted to do something smart, with animation. Blog after blog, my keywords (that I was searching for) were hit. Link after link I visited, finding 'useful' content, however, it was spaced out, and I really had to dig hard to see what I needed.Sadly, this isn't my niche, but if it was, I could have created some fantastic content that answered all my questions, rather than making me repeatedly search to find the answers I was looking for.There are other things you can do to provide better content. In the age of interaction, if you can bring some level of engagement into your websites and get your visitors interacting with your content, then that is a massive advantage! Also, look at how outdated some information is. Bring it into 2018! Keep it fresh and up to date!

3. Outreach:
At this point, some of you're probably thinking "yeah, I do this already! my content is incredible!

Martin, I am still not getting much traffic mate!

If this you, then pay close attention.

This will be the biggest takeaway from this blog.

Making notes? Great!

Email Outreach is merely contacting website owners within your niche that already links to similar content that you're producing.

It really is that simple.

This is why it is a good idea!

1. They're in your niche - a key driver for this to work.

2. They have already shown you that they're interested in the content you're promoting (they already have someone else's article up)

3. you're providing them with better material than what is already available.

How to find them:

There are few tools out there that help. I used one called MOZ - they offer a free plan, it's not the best, but it gives you an idea of what I am talking about. Just search the inbound links to said website and email the owner with the link you wish to have removed in favour of the content you have written.

"Hi, you have an article "name whatever" on your website "link" I've written something covering the same topic that goes into a little more detail.

I was hoping you could give it a read and maybe post it on your page?

Love your website!



Some will reply, some won't, one or two might even give you a link back. Either way, there is no harm in trying.

That's all folks!

I do genuinly hope you get something out of this; over the next few days, I will add a blog that highlights the pitfalls of this system and how to over come them.

I intend to go into a little SEO and some marketing concepts with a view of bringing this all together as a social project that you can all follow along with.

I'd love some comments, ideas, feedback and thoughts on the above.

Thanks for reading!


pt 2

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Recent Comments


Thnx, Martin. Great article.

Thank you for sharing this!

no worries!

My intention is to add at least 1 or 2 more blogs around traffic per week, so stick around. I'm going to go a little deeper into SEO and social.

Thanks for stopping by.

Hi Martin, That´s great information, thank you for sharing, Best Alan

Hi Alan, Hope it was useful. checkout part two, it goes into a little more detail

Just thought I'd add a little more to the outreach section. you can find it here:

The Skyscraper Technique, wow. Absolutely right on the button. Thank you for sharing. I am still on the first floor of the skyscraper and haven't created a satisfactory website yet. Just looking for the express elevator to get me up there.

Glad you liked it.

You did promise to rip me apart tho ;)

If you ever need a fresh pair of eyes, happy to have a look

Thank you much appreciated.

You are too far ahead of me, I am exhausted trying to catch up. But when you least expect it....... :)

Yeah I feel the same with the guys that are ahead of me.

Always a new concept to learn which highlights another 10 things you don't know.

Baby steps dude. Get good at what you do know, then take another step.

I no nuttin i only fixa kars

come on man, I think we both know you're selling yourself a little short there.

Great another short joke...


Thanks for sharing this insight. Just a question. Do people ever get mad when you send them an e-mail saying you wrote something more in depth than them? I can just envision this upsetting some people...

Best wishes,
Karin :)

It's not so much the author that you're contacting.

For example let's say I am an influencer in your space. You're reading through my content and you see a guest blog from Joe joeson giving "5 top tips"

You would contact me, the owner of the site n say "hey I've read joes post you have online about "5 top tips" I've written "7 awesome tips" that go into a bit more detail.

So the influencer who is "hosting" the content is who you'd contact.

Yeah, I can imagine if you contacted the author you would probably upset them


Again I say. You are the bomb!

Thank you so much.

Really though, this is like the 1st blog I've ever written that imparts any kind of knowledge!

hope you find it useful.

Great post! I Just completed my website will implement all of this assp!
Thanks again!

Glad it was useful!

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