How To: Drive More Traffic To Your Site

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This blog post is part of a series. If you've not already done so, please read first.

I just wanted to cover off some final thoughts from my last post. The ending was a little rushed as it was late; reading back over it, I should have added a bit more context as to why outreach is so significant.

Domain Authority.

I am hoping by now, you all have a clear understanding of what domain authority is. In a nutshell, it's googles way of saying that, we trust the content you're putting out to the world. It's a little more in-depth than that, but you get the gist.

So, why is outreach significant to Domain Authority?

By linking directly to influencers and thought leaders within your niche, who likely have a higher domain authority score than yourself, you get to piggyback a little.

In a simplistic view; Google thinks, "well, I trust this influencer, and if he says your article is worth reading, I will take notice of that."

There are some key points to consider here.

You don't want to link out to websites that have a low authority. Why? Well, if you're wanting to play with the big boys, you hang around with the big boys, right?

Some of you might be tempted to add some low authority sites, but this can actually hurt your SEO, rather than help.

Another point to consider is how Google ranks your keywords.

Now, I've said this before, and I will restate it here one last time. I am NOT an SEO guru. I have, what I personally consider, a firm grip on how it works based on the research I have done over the last year.

Google and determines your posts/page authority based on 'themes.' Yes, keywords are essential as they have always been, but considering the 'theme' of your post is equally something that needs to be at the forefront of your mind.

Themes are out of the scope of this training. If people want to know more, let me know.

For this to make sense for those who don't understand themes yet, consider them a family of related keywords around a particular subject.

I've gone a little off topic. However, I feel I needed to add context. The reason I brought up this second point, in essence, is to ensure that you online reach out to sites that are aligned with your niche.

The reward for getting this right.

Why then Martin, are we putting so much effort into this? How will it help?

Well, my friend's TRAFFIC!!!


The reason why these sites we're linking out to are considered 'authoritative' is because people use them.

If people are using them and reading your article, not only do you get a link back to your website, which will help with your domain authority. You might even get a 'click.'

how cool would it be to leverage someone else's site to generate traffic for your own?

Thanks for reading!

If you found this helpful, would you please kindly share the article! I'd really like to extend my reach a little.

As always, any thoughts or ideas. Even if you want me to cover something that would help you directly; let me know in the comments below.

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Hi Martin, It makes sense, I just need to try it out, thanks for sharing, Best Alan

Thanks for the share. Good, useful info.

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