Hope - It Sustains Your Efforts
Hang onto Hope my friends - It will sustain your efforts through thick and thin.
When I started at WA I was full of enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is great it will push you to move beyond what you know to what is possible!
But Enthusiasm can wane, in the process of building something that was once nothing.
Enthusiasm is great in the beginning - Use it to get off to a great start.
But when things get tough and you start to wonder or have troubles trying to figure out where to go next or what to write about - hang on to that thing called HOPE.
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness" (Desmond Tutu)
I am fascinated by the word "Hope". For a 4-lettered word to contain such implications it seems amazing.
When I am down-and-out - Hope lifts me up and causes me to look ahead anyway.
When I wonder if I can do this - Hope says "give it your best, you might be surprised!"
WA is a great opportunity - No matter where you live in this world - No matter what your particular background is - There is an opportunity to move beyond your situation to a better for you and your family.
The tools are all here - In fact there are so many tools in the WA toolbox that there are always some you have never used yet.
There is always someone in the WA community that can address your specific need or situation and they are more than willing to help - All you have to do is ask.
So my friends as you begin a new week in your adventure to Success - Hang onto Hope.
Give it a shot - Keep on trying anyways - Never Give up!
And have a blessed and successful week.
Just Ray
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Thank you for sharing! Yes, I am here at WA and trying to be consistent.
Lots of love,
Hi Shahlla, Thank you for stopping by = keep holding onto your dreams and working toward your goals.
Have a blessed week.
Hope allows us to look beyond the problems. When I think about it, it comes from a little personal success or proof of someone else's success or acceptance of a system.
Hi Jim. What you say is so true. I have seen so many keep working toward a goal and even though it may seem hopeless their hope carries them through and inspires others.
Have a blessed week.
Thanks for sharing. Yes we would agree with "hope" a positive mindset is maintained and a positive mindset sees beyond struggles and problems. And the mindset frees us to find solutions and success.
Have a great week too.
Wow, thanks, a great way to look at this whole hope thing.
Hope is positive, and "a positive mindset sees beyond the struggles and problems". You helped add to the whole thought so well.
Thanks again and have a blessed week ahead.
Thanks, Ray. Certainly, hope is a key ingredient that we need to keep our stamina. If we lose hope there just isn't any gas in the tank. No fuel to propel us. We have therefore to anticipate that we will hit a wall and prepare ourselves by surrounding ourselves with positive people and reinforcement. This can often help to get over a hump of despair and discontent.
Thanks for the motivation.
Great to hear from you Hugh. Now you added to this whole thought, the idea that we all need positive people around us; they are the reinforcement.
That is what I love about the WA community. There are so many positive people that you cannot help but find more hope and a way through to success.
Thanks so much.
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Hope is great and I am a fan, it sets an "intent". Although hope with no action is not a good combination. The two together and that is powerful! Thanks for posting, Phil
Great point Phil - Hope keeps you hanging on but without some action, you can only hang on so long.
Have a great week my friend.