Setting Up Your Own Home Office
Setting up your own home office can be very simple or a bit more time consuming. For me, it has been both.
Over the past three years, my office has consisted of spaces such as my dark damp bedroom that was in the basement, a corner in the high traffic living room, and at the kitchen table.
At the present time, my husband and I are in the process of converting a recently vacated bedroom into my own personal space.
Over the years I got into a very bad habit of stock piling things that needed filed & things that needed thrown away, Three trash bags later, I am finally seeing a light at the end of the junk tunnel. Really, who needs to save three years of cable bills!
I don't know about anyone else but I feel like I am more productive when things are organized and tidy. For me a space where people are not coming and going, a T.V blaring in the background, and people are making food and socializing, is going to help me run my online business more efficiently.
Setting up the necessary equipment for my office was the easy part and didn't take but 10 mins to accomplish. Finding and organizing a quiet, private, and beautiful space that is all my own was a challenge. Although we still have some things to do to complete my space, I am already feeling like diving into my work once again. I no longer dread the thought of trying to write articles or market and promote my business. I am now confident that there is not going to be some kind of interruption every few minutes. I no longer have stacks of unnecessary papers laying around to go through when I need something.
What is your perfect work space? Do you have a place where you can basically shut out the world and concentrate on the matter at hand?
What has been your experience at setting up your own home office?
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Good for you. I have been lucky enough to have a private room for my office since I started affiliate marketing. We need it to be able to concentrate and do our best work. I'm with you on all the paper clutter, it needs to go. Best of luck, Deanna
Hi Deanna, It has only been a week since I have had my office set up and I can see how much more I can get done. I still have some work to do such as painting, eliminating some of my books for a small book shelf, and of course doing some more filing (but not much). I am looking for an old fashioned door with windows which I am sure will also help with the privacy plus I just love them.
Hi Suzette, Glad that you asked! First, I am pleased to meet you, and secondly, thanks for the follow back! I Had to find away to eliminate the clutter and junk that i had accumlated over the years to make a space for my new office since joining wealthy affiliate.
Yes, this can be a Tedious situation if not kept organized on a regular basis, but the best thing is that it's never to late to give that space a total make over for a very cheap price.
If you get a moment, visit my profile, and go to this topic:
Define Your Own Home Office Space.
dated, January 11, 2017
Let me know if this gave you any ideas.
Hey. Best to your success!
Hi Louisa. The link didn't work. When I went to your profile page I didn't see a post with that title.
Hey Suzette,
Yeah I totally 'get you' about having a quiet place to work. I, like you, have been sitting at the kitchen table, then sitting on the couch with a coffee table or my lap for a desk AND NOW....
Finally a space of my own. My brother in law and his wife moved to Aus a few years ago and they left their king sized bed with us, which was set up in a spare bedroom.
They've, in the past couple of weeks, moved back and have moved into their own home and have taken the bed - woohoo a whole room. We already have another spare bedroom decked out for visitors and I'm not even going to suggest we buy another bed.
So I finally have a quiet place I can call my own! It has a desk, my laptop, a lamp and a bedside table. That's all I need.
Ok, back to work now.
Thanks for the reminder, I'm so grateful for my own space and production has gone up ten fold.
Your story sounds very similar to mine. We converted our attic into a wonderful cabin like bedroom for me and my husband. Shipped our son to the basement bedroom and I took over his old room. Being 21 he didn't take very good care of the room. It took me three days just to clean the hardwood floors which wasn't in the best of shape to begin with.
I have my desk with my laptop right in front of the window that looks out into our back yard, a book shelf, a stand for the printer, a rocking chair that was my fathers, and a coffee table.
I still have some work to do before the room completely done but it's getting there.
I know that having this space will help tremendously. I don't have a door for the room yet but when I do, my family knows they better have a darn good reason to interrupt me when the door will be closed. LOL.
When working on my site, I like to sit on the couch and either have something on the TV for background noise, complete silence, or music playing.
I have a cable hook up in this room but decided against putting a TV in this room. I found it very distracting when my desk was set up in the living room. I do listen to music though. Complete silence all the time would probably put me sleep!
I listen to pandora or find one of my local radio stations to stream live... it helps so much to have some "background music" since I live next to a school so there is always some chatter in the background.
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I keep trying! I got moved into the garage suddenly when my boyfriend's son moved back home. It was hectic but a few months went by and I just got my office moved back into the house TODAY!
I know I can be more productive in this space - and who cares about decorating - at least it's clean! I threw out a lot of excess paperwork and every bit helps! I feel so much better!
That is awesome Darla! I don't have a garage or that probably would have been my next stop LOL. You got lucky, you have a clean space. I hate to admit it but it took me three days just to clean the floor in my sons room I moved into LOL.