Practice, Patience, and Perseverance - A Recipe for Success


This recipe combines three main ingredients. Practice, Patience, and Perseverance for your profitable and rewarding online business.

Main Ingredients:

  • A Repeated Willingness ("practice makes progress") Unknown
  • An Earnest Effort ("patience is a virtue") William Langland
  • Persistent Action (“It always seems impossible until it's done”) Nelson Mandela


  1. Make a commitment to step out of your comfort zone.
  2. Research to find the very best training. (Hint: Nowhere will you find the exceptional training that is offered at Wealthy Affiliate University)
  3. Take action!
  4. Mix together all three main ingredients and you are on your way to a very successful online business.
Additional Instructions

Believe in yourself. Believe that you can take that step of faith out of your comfort zone and discover a world that is unfamiliar to your daily routine.

Once out of your comfort zone, with an open mind and dedication, put your heart and soul into this new venture in your life. Expect to learn new things not only about a new business venture, but also about yourself.

Don't stop. Don't give up on yourself. Overcome the obstacles.

With any recipe, you have to have the right ingredients. Sure you can substitute here and there but often times it doesn't turn out the way it was meant to be. Do you have the right ingredients? Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone? Are you ready to make an earnest effort at learning a new skill that can lead to endless possibilities? Are you ready to take action and continue to do so until your goals are met?

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Recent Comments


The problem with the impossible is that it always takes so damned long to accomplish.


Hi Suzette, I love this post, I am completely with you on this. I am feeling the 3 P's, excited about what I am learning and what I am discovering about me. I especially can relate to don't stop, don't give up on yourself and overcome your obstacles. Thank you :)

Your welcome Justine! I really don't know what has been up with me lately. I keep getting all these ideas in head to write about. I think with this one, I might have said this to someone here at WA on a whim and thought, hummm, now there is something I can write about. I hope it keeps coming to me. LOL.

I think its great, I should be doing this myself but not quite confident enough!! Good On you :)

I have more determination then confidence I think. When I was learning to drive, I wanted to learn how to drive a stick shift car. My mother kept telling me that I would never be able to learn that. I went out and bought this gram-pa looking car that had the shifter on the floor like a Mac truck. Not a cool car for a teenager but I didn't care. I was gonna learn how to drive this car if it killed me. There was a steep hill to drive up to get to our house. My girlfriend came over one day and we drove up and down that hill for hours until I could get to top. Needless to say, the clutch didn't last on the car but I learned how to drive a stick. My next vehicle was a stick shift truck! So for me, when someone says I can't do something, you can be sure I will try my damnedest to prove
them wrong! I always remember this story when I get down on myself and what to quit.

Wow tha'ts a cool story, I just know I do have doubt around me about what I am doing and trying to achieve, my partner is very supportive tho and believes in me, he told me to quit my full time job which btw was working for Colleen McCullough who was a wonderful boss and friend of mine, but I was exhausted every night. So Christmas just gone I finished out there sadly and am dedicating 6 months to my site and my nail business. I am not going to give up!! :)

What a guy!!! So glad to hear you have a support system behind you! And love hearing that you are not giving up. With the looks of your site and the amount of content you have, you are on a roll. I am so happy for you!

Thank you Suz :)

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