Almost 8 Months Now Since Joining!


Time flies when you're having fun! And I definitely am!

It's been a very busy 8 months. I moved my old website here from Weebly, and set it all up again (well almost, with a few tweaks!) and have set up my affiliate website as well.

Have been slowly working my way through the training modules, sometimes a bit too slowly I think as time is at a premium for me, and sometimes it's days before I get to even work on my websites.

But I am determined. I caught the website bug a couple of years ago, and I love being online blogging and interacting with people. So there is no way that I'm giving up now!

Have just had my first referral here to Wealthy Affiliate, so I must be doing something right! Was so excited to see that!

Have loved every minute of setting up my websites here on the Site Rubix platform. Especially my affiliate website, which has found me blogging about all things WordPress, which being a nurse in my day job I never thought I would do! But there again I keep on surprising even myself, and it's great!

Love the training here and sometimes can't decide apart from the certification courses which thing to learn next. I had already taken a training course in WordPress early last year, and am now continuing to learn so much more. It's great!

And to all of you out there who are still wondering if it's possible to make money online?

Yes, it is! I have been making some money online over the past 2 years via my original website. It isn't every day or week, and it can be irregular, but it does happen. And I firmly believe that over time it will become more regular and sustaining allowing me to give up my day job. That is my long term goal! And I visualize it every day!

Mindset is everything. Keep positive, and don't allow minor setbacks to push you off your path, and away from your dreams and goals. Every single one of us makes mistakes.

But you have support and help in the community here in Wealthy Affiliate, as well as all of the training that you could ever ask for. You are not alone! Having spent my first one and a half years online wandering around all by myself, trying to figure everything out, I can tell you that having help is a huge deal!

So if you make a mistake, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, ask for help here and keep on going on your journey!

After all, we all grow and learn from our mistakes. That's how we evolve and become better people.

Thanks to all for making Wealthy Affiliate so welcoming. It really is my online home!


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Recent Comments


Congrats on your achievements thus far , take a breather with some strong 'Irish Coffee'.

Great idea, but these days I steer clear of irish coffee and meditate instead. I find alcohol drains my energy. Have one for me instead.

Hi there
well done and best wishes on your adventures
Cheers Phil Browne

Thanks Phil.

Wonderful work, keep learning and enjoying!

For 8 months that's great progress Susan!


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