How I see Life and Affiliate Marketing?

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One of my favourite things to do in life is to run. I like to run because I find it great for both my physical health and my mental health. It is a way I like to connect with other people that share similar interests. Over the course of the last 5 years I have run numerous half marathons, 3 marathons and 3 ultra-marathons. The longest distance I have run is 85km.

So what does this have to do with life? And what does it have to do with affiliate marketing? For me I think any kind of success in life is finding a process that works and then continuing to repeat it until you achieve whatever it is that you are looking to achieve. If you are not achieving success it is because there is something wrong with your process, or because you are not repeating the process often enough or for long enough.

Even though we might be trying to achieve different things, I find that the processes can be boiled down to a number of common steps.

Identify what it is you are trying to achieve, and why you want to achieve it.

Identify the next step in the process that will move you closer to your goal.

Review the results. Use key metrics to determine if your action/s are moving you closer to your goals or not. Be patient and give your actions time to take effect.

If your action/s moved you closer to your goal then repeat the action/s

If your action did not move you closer to your goals, reassess and identify another action that you can take.

I am always reminded of the saying 'You don't need to see the entire staircase, you only need to see the next step'

One of the real bonuses of having a community or a mentor is that they can provide you with guidance as to what is the next action that you should take. They can also provide feedback about why a particular action may not have worked, and how you could refine it to make it more effective.

So, my question is what are the actions I am taking that are moving me closer to my goals? These are actions that I need to repeat more frequently and invest more time in. And what are the actions that are not moving me closer to my goals. These are things that I need to stop doing and I can then reinvest the time in learning more, or by completing more of the actions that are effective in moving me closer to my goals.

So the process is really one of LEARN, PLAN, ACT, MEASURE, REVIEW, REFINE and REPEAT

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You certainly know how to run buddy, I did a few marathons back in the day, but never a monstser one!!

Life is all about finding what works best for us and what doesn't!!

The online business world is no different

Take care my friend! :-)

yeh i definitely agree @jessiefido life is all about figuring out what works and how to overcome the setbacks and obstacles along the way. as the old saying goes what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Absolutely spot on my friend and all the very best moving forward! :-)


I love running, too... But I damaged my IT band 1 week ago and haven't been able to walk since never mind run. Sad times... But I'll be back, faster & stronger 💪

That's why you haven't been publishing your short vlogs recently then Dale....

May I wish you a speedy recovery buddy!!


Hey Dale sorry to hear about your injury. take care and hope you get back into it soon. Unfortunately running injuries happen but it allows us to get better and come back stronger.

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