Can Someone Help Me Understand YouTube?


Today, I just uploaded my last vlog about an hour ago. I decided to watch it on my sister's iPhone. While watching it, I saw the number going up from 6 to 8 views and the thumbs up from 1 to 3. A few minutes later I decided to check the video's views. While looking at it live, the number of views was going down to 3 views! Then it went back up slowly from 3 to 5 views. So it looks like people are watching and I cannot help thinking . . . YouTube is reducing the number of views right from the first hour of my video. So why do you think that is happening right in front of my eyes?

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Hello Evelyn,

I am not sure why this would be happening in You tube, but perhaps do you think it might be the key words you are using in your video.

Perhaps at what you are saying at the beginning is going up and down depending on what words you are saying.

Just a theory not sure though, you can ask the community in Questions Tab!

Wishing you a wonderful end to the week,

Kind regards

Would it be the key words in the video description? I did a travel vlog in Japan 3 weeks ago and uploaded my final blog on Wednesday. I don’t think about key words when recording a travel vlog. Will be hard.

Based on your comments, I have to think key words before I speak in a new video? I guess I have to start doing that before I talk. Kind of difficult. I was in the Philippines also and produced over 20 videos while there.

I thank you for your comment. Something I should think about.

Yes the video description needs to use your key words Evelyn :)

You can look into the Research Tab here in WA and do a search

Kind regards

Yes before you do any recording do a Research in WA research tab and come up with a structured use of key words, this will be helpful for ranking.

Wishing you all the best :)


Thanks very much, Erica , for your suggestion. I will do my research and plan by writing down the keywords needed to start a new travel video. I am currently working on 2 health videos for my health channel with already has more than 81,000 views and 410 subscribers. I will double-check the keywords on these videos before uploading them on YT.

,Very grateful!

Wow totally awesome your views congratulations🎉 nice work, already people love your work :)

You will reach even more people using key words :)

Wishing you all the best with your ongoing success!


Again, thanks very much, Erica. I make sure I always apply the right keywords for my health channel. I have also been earning small sales through Amazon links.


That is great Evelyn,

I hope you keep enjoying your successes,

All the best :)


Youtube is crazy, I get what you're saying, just keep posting. Sometimes they are not up to date for 3 or 4 days. I have videos with more than a thousand views and only 14 likes. Some videos have 3 views 1 like. Don't get worried about Youtube numbers until your at 50 plus subscribers, Likes are useless, views are what your looking for. hash tag the shit out of everything you post, that will help as well. Hope this helps. vav creator of the 3rd floor podcast on Spotify

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