How To Make Google Crawl and Index Your Website Instantly
Before diving into this method, it is good to explain what indexing is and why it is so important.
If you already know how indexing and page crawling work, you can skip the introduction part and move directly to the explanation of the technique.
If you create a post on your blog or website and you realize Google doesn't index it, this means your page will not show up in search results, and therefore users will not be able to find your page on google search results anytime they search about your website or page.
So Once you have created your web page, it is the best moment to give it the visibility on the internet that it deserves.
Why should your website appear on Google?Google is the most important source of organic traffic for most websites. It doesn't matter if you developed a personal blog or corporate website for your SME. Being present on Google should interest you in both cases to find new sales opportunities and for your potential customers to find you.
As I said before, there is a quick and easy way to get your website listed on Google.
Rank faster – Let's get started
Step 1: Install Instant Indexing for Google
Login to your WordPress dashboard and Install Instant Indexing for Google
Step 2: Go to Google Cloud Platform
Step 3: Create a new project
On the next window that appeared, Enter your project name which you can recognize later. then click Create.

Step 4: Enable Access to API

After you successfully create the project, what is next now is to enable your project to have access to the API. as shown in the image below to enable the API.
After you have enabled it, you can now close the tab.
Step 5: Creating a Service Account
After the previous step, you need now to create a service account by opening the service accounts page.
Step 6: Create Service Account
Select the PROJECT we create earlier
After you have selected the PROJECT you want to create a service account for, you will be taken to another page as shown on the image below, then click on Create Service Account
Step 7
After creating a service account, fill in your project information, then Select and copy down the whole Service Account ID (this looks like an email address) it will be needed later.
Click Create and continue
Grant this service account access to the project
Choose Owner under Role
Click Done
Step 8: Time to Manage Keys for Service Account
Mange Key
Step 9: Now Create New JSON Key for Service Account
After completing the manage key, You will be taken to the following page where you will be able to add a new Key, click Add key, and select the Create new key option
Select JSON
Immediately you click to create a new key, the JSON file will be automatically downloaded to your device.
Step 10: Add the Service Account created as an Owner of Your Google Search Console Property
To add the service, create a search console account and verify your domain property, if you already have a search console with your domain verified, skip this and log in to your search console account then follow the next step to continue.
Step 11: Navigate to Users and Permissions in Google Search Console Settings
Locate this at the left side corner of the search console page
Now click Users and Permissions.
Click add user
Step 12: Assign Service Account ID as Owner
After clicking on add user, another page will appear. Enter the Service account ID (the one you copied on step 7) in the Email address field. Make sure you have provided Owner level Permission, and then click Add.
Step 13: Time to Configure Install Instant Indexing Plugin
Now, go back to word press dashboard and configure Install Instant Indexing Plugin that we installed earlier in step 1.
Under the Google API settings tab
upload the JSON file we downloaded on step 9 or copy JSON file content into the box and save settings.
Step. 14
You can now use Google’s indexing API to get any post or page on your site indexed almost instantly.
Now go back to console
Click send to API, you will receive a Success message
Now Enter a URL (or more) in the Instant Indexing section, and choose the Action as Google: Publish/update URL. Then, click the Send to API button.
You can also update the index from the post section by Selectin the Posts where you want the Indexing API to ping Google to crawl your website as soon as a post is published, updated, or deleted, and click on Save Changes.
By Using this method, With good planning and a constant optimization system, you will be able to see results in the visibility of all your current content. also read about mining CARDONA ADA coin on PC or Laptop or Laptop
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Recent Comments
In my experience, Google indexes sites really quickly without having to do anything at all. When I publish an article it's indexed within the hour. I'm not sure I understand why I'd want to go through all these steps.
To me, honestly, it just sounds like a lot of steps to accomplish something that is inevitable. When you publish quality content consistently, Google indexes all your articles. That was my experience when I created my very first website. I don't think it's something to really worry about at all.
Hi Eric,
I'll just copy the comment I sent to Diane (above) in the hope that maybe you can offer some suggestions as well,
Cheers mate,
"Unfortunately, it's no longer the case that Google is indexing everything for us all.
I now have 40 posts that are, according to GSC, "discovered- not yet indexed... but not because of errors." Some of them are 5 months old.
All these posts are original and rank immediately on Bing, where some are on page one and I even had one 'featured snippet' that I saw.
I holding out, hoping that Google will index my posts soon.
If you have any better suggestions than the above, please let us know."
Yeah I’ve never had that issue. Everything published is indexed almost immediately, even in the site’s infancy 5 years ago.
My first 100 posts were indexed very quickly... possibly 2 days at the most. Impressions and traffic were building, I was making sales, and GSC had my "average Position" at 19. It's now dropped to 35.2.
And this is why I am surprised that things have changed so radically.
I'll persevere because I'm determined to live the laptop lifestyle....
Thanks for your reply, mate
Have a great day
Your title certainly sounds intriguing.
Personally I am very skeptical of a plugin or program that claims they can make Google crawl and index a site instantly.
Because Google is not controlled by a third party program. or tool
The best way to get Googles attention is to follow SEO guidelines and to consistently blog.
The plugin work on Google index API which officially lunch by Google...thou Google recommend that you use the indexing API for job posting or broadcasting embedded in videoObject website. But it was tested and work fine on any other website with good and instant results.
See more comments
Hi - sorry, I don't think this is at all necessary. You can't force Google to index a post, and if you are posting high-quality content, nothing copied and posted, then it gets indexed quickly, as Google recognizes the worth it.
And why have you added the link at the end? It is not relevant and looks like self-promotion, which is not permitted.
Hi Diane.
Unfortunately, it's no longer the case that Google is indexing everything for us all.
I now have 40 posts that are, according to GSC, "discovered- not yet indexed... but not because of errors." Some of them are 5 months old.
All these posts are original and rank immediately on Bing, where some are on page one and I even had one 'featured snippet' that I saw.
I holding out, hoping that Google will index my posts soon.
If you have any better suggestions than the above, please let us know.
Many thanks,
Hi - I remember you discussing this a few months ago, and sorry to hear that little has changed. I think we established that your site had a good balance of informational posts, not being mainly product reviews which are increasingly becoming a problem.
Having said that, even your informational posts have affiliate links in them. Perhaps that's an issue? That Google sees every post as "salesy" and having commercial intent?
I can't say for certain, I know a lot of others are struggling too.
Thanks for your reply, Diane.
I was wondering if the 'commercial intent is an issue.'
I'll begin a new topic cluster and not include any ads and see if this makes a difference.
I have some affiliate banners in my sidebar. Would you suggest that I remove these as well?
If commercial intent is the issue, it's rather hypocritical because isn't Google also a business? Isn't it their intention to maximize profits as well????
Have a great day,