0 to 300,000 monthly viewers on Pinterest in 8 months

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Hello everyone,

Almost 50% of this number occured around the past 2 months by using "tricks" that I've discovered which I'm about to share with you.

Follow your competitor's followers:

People who follow your competitors are already interested in your niche so it makes sense to follow them in hopes that they follow you back and a good chunk of them actually do.

Try to follow people with at least 100 followers (the more, the better). People with many followers will tend to follow you back. It is said that it's safe to follow up to 140 people a day.

I have a dog niche so I'll use it as an example.

  1. Type in your niche on the search bar then on the right, click on People

2. Click on those with the most followers

3. Click on Community then click the arrow on the right.

Join Group Boards

Go to Pingroupie dot com

Pingroupie is basically a group board "search engine"

Joining group boards can give your pins potential exposure to massive followers

1. Type your niche on the search bar

2. Click on Request to Join

3. Click Followers

4. Join boards with the most followers

5. Create pins and post them there

Some boards accept you right away but some need approval

Make your boards "joinable"

Choose a board that you want to make joinable then click on + then click on the hexagon to allow people to join your board and to invite people to collaborate with your board/s

Think of a theme

For 5 minutes every morning and most evenings, I think of a theme to pin. Yesterday it was dogs driving cars. The day before it was dog food recipes. The day before that it was dogs with celebrities. And before that it was cute puppies.

For instance, if you have a gardening niche, you can make today's theme about perennials. Tomorrow can be about herbs. After that, it could be tomato growing tips, etc ...

If you use the alphabet soup technique on Pinterest, you'll never run out of ideas to pin

I pin about 20-30 a day. And I also make sure to pin some to group boards.

Use Tailwind

For those who do not know, Tailwind is basically a community where people with the same niche collaborate with each other by sharing each other's pins. I saw a huge increase in traffic when I used it. (Thanks, Jenny28!)

It's free to try for 30 days then it's around $20/mo.(Canadian)

More tips

1.Delete poorly performing pins as they affect SEO. Create new ones.

2.Resist the temptation to save pins that have nothing to do with your niche. If you find something really interesting, create a new board then set it to "secret"

3. Go to your profile, click edit, under privacy and data and make sure this is unchecked:

Hope this helps!


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    Recent Comments


    Thanks a lot for sharing this great information Sonny. I definitely going to try one of these tips out. I had great growth with Pinterest, impressions with pins from as low as 300 up to 2.4 k within 8 hours consistent. Now for some reason, the whole power has disappeared while I am doing the same thing. I wrote to Pinterest for feedback what is going on, my growth is frozen now for the last week or so.
    Do you have any idea what the reason could be? I put the question up about this in the questions section and more people have experienced the same thing but I have not found the solution just yet. (ps I use Tailwind too)
    I wishing you continued success.

    Hi Jude, that also happened to me about a week ago. My numbers dipped for no apparent reason but it's starting to pick back up. I'm guessing it's an SEO thing. Sorry, I can't be of help.

    aha, interesting。 I appreciate your insight, thanks to a lot for your comment. I had one pin doing well yesterday as well so hopefully, it will be back to normal soon.
    Have a great weekend.

    You too!

    Hi, John.
    This was really cool!
    I am learning how to use Pinterest, as it seems very difficult. Your tips were very useful and easy to follow.
    You should have published this article in the training format - as this would help you to earn some cash credits.

    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

    I didn't think of that! thanks!

    Thanks for sharing Sonny!

    I really enjoyed reading this and didn't know I could increase my following to such an extent in such a short time!

    I'm at 17K at the moment and only 68 following, but do get pins saved every day from my board.

    You are right - Tailwind is brilliant - I have to renew my subscription with them as I could schedule my pins up to 5 months in advance. I literally went PIN crazy!

    Your tips are brilliant and I will bookmark this page.

    Once again, thanks for sharing!


    You're very welcome, Stella!

    Great information thank you very much for sharing

    You're welcome, Lisa

    Great piece of advice Sonny my friend..... thanks.

    You're very welcome!

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