Keywords Everywhere & Jaaxy Has Me Confused?
Don't know if anyone else uses the browser plug-in Keywords Everywhere but I have been using it for about a week or so and naturally I wanted to use it correctly to get the best results for my websites keywords. However, I am left confused after studying it for a little while because it seems like it contradicts everything I have learned so far about keywords and Jaaxy.
Most of us as members of Wealthy Affiliate have learned that the traffic of a keyword show be above 100 but more is obviously better and that the QSR number should be below 300. So if I'm not mistaken this Nintendo switch is a good keyword and if it's not please enlighten me below in the comments.
Now when I look up the same keyword in the google search and use Keywords Everywhere the results claim Nintendo Switch is a bad keyword... Let me explain... When I did some research on the Keywords Everywhere tool to find out exactly what I was looking for I learned that I want the monthly volume to be under 250 and that makes a good keyword but as you take a look at the image above Nintendo Switch is far above 250 which leads me confused and I think I won't be the only one looking for answers.
So I am left with a question whose right the Jaaxy keyword tool or keywords Everywhere? Which method is correct?
Just to give you some insight on where I am getting my information on the Keywords Everywhere tool here are two videos I have come across during my research:
2 Reasons Why 250:
Maybe I am just confused and not comprehending what they are saying in the videos!
Find Keywords using Keywords Everywhere:
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Ubersuggest indicates the chance of ranking for Nintendo switch is 23%. In other words, it would be hard to rank for this keyword. More importantly look at the domains/companies that are on top. They are all high authority websites.
Semrush confirms the difficulty of ranking for Nintendo switch.
Then I am confused and finally realize after two years I don't understand what I am looking for because according to Jaaxy the QSR on Nintendo Switch is 85 and there is massive traffic for that keyword so I thought it was good.
QSR tells us the number of competing websites ranking for the keyword. In this case, there are 85 competing websites. But what it does not tell you is the quality of those competing websites. Google your keyword and you will see your competition includes nintendo, gamestop, amazon, bestbuy, theverge, wikipedia. These are all high authority domains/companies. All I am saying is that for this specific keyword, nintendo switch, it will be difficult to rank highly. Jaaxy SEO score of 80 and KQI of OK reflects the difficulty of ranking highly.
Hi Salvatore,
I know exactly how you feel because I was in your situation. I too, use Keywords Everywhere and have it as an Add On to my Chrome Browser.
But let me end your confusion.
Keywords Everywhere is built on the Google's keyword tool Google Keyword Planner. If you use Google's keyword tool and compare it to Keywords Everywhere you'd get exactly the same results.
However, Google keyword tool (a.k.a. Keywords Everywhere) does not show you the exact keyword average monthy search results. They show you in ranges. So you might have a range from 50,001 to 100,000 average monthly keyword search volume. Here's a hypothetical example to explain. So if a certain keyword gets 50,100 searches on average then Google might display 100,000 for that keyword. So you might think that that keyword actually gets 100,000 searches when in fact it is just a range. In your example, the keyword falls within the 310,000 range and it is not precise.
Jaaxy on the other hand gives you exact search traffic and not a range.
So Jaaxy is more accurate from that perspective.
My advice is to stick with Jaaxy if you want exact numbers. Keywords Everywhere is good if you just want to understand the cost for advertising really. Keywords Everywhere, like the Google keyword tool is for advertising purposes and not so much SEO purposes.
Stick with Jaaxy if you really want to do accurate SEO.
Check out this article from Moz on the subject -
Hope this helps
Thanks that does help... I came across Keywords Everywhere when I was looking for another way to find good keywords for youtube and it was just confusing me because Jaaxy was telling me it was a decent keyword and I thought Keywords Everywhere was telling me something different.
Then I was going to use it for my website as well but I will just trust Jaaxy!
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Google doesn't offer accurate "quote search results" if you do a normal search, they haven't for years. That is why we created the competition tool within the WA keyword tool and the QSR platform within Jaaxy. WA and Jaaxy provide the TRUE competition value.
If you want to see how this all works and how you can actually get at the competition within Google, you should check out this video: How to Find Your True Competition in Google - Understanding QSR It will offer a lot of clarification. Google hasn't provided the accurate competition numbers since back in 2012.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Will check it out now... Ever used the Keywords Everywhere plug-in for chrome?