To All Of The New WA Members
Welcome to WA, the best community that you will ever be a part of!
I don't know who it was on here that convinced you to join, but you should thank that person. They have done you a tremendous favor!
I have been here for a little over 4 years now and nothing is going to make me leave. This is home to me.
It's was difficult at first financially, but I managed to build many websites since then and no longer have difficulty paying my monthly fee. I finsihed bootcamp in one week. Ok, that was fast but I wasn't working at the time so I had all the time in the world. I don't know if anyone else did this, but as I was learning, I was building my website. It was challenging but I did it. I learned so much.
Throughout your journey here, you will go through many emotions. You may even want to quit and give up at one point and that is normal. We have been through it and those of us that are here, have no regrets of staying.
Many of us are currently doing very well online. Many of us are teaching others how to be successful online and it's all because we decided to join WA.
When you feel overwhelmed, like giving up, think of this post. Think of all of us. We are all here to help you. That's what WA is all about. Go for it! Do it! Build it! Write it! You can do it all!
Best wishes to you!
Sonia J.
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Great post for the new members, Sonia!! ๐๐๐
Merci beaucoup, Jeffrey!
de rien! ๐๐๐