50x Posts Publish on my Bigfoot website hitting the milestone

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Hi Everyone ,

WA Affiliate Program

So 5 Months ago i started my journey with WA in 11 days it will be the start of 6 months . What a journey it has been . looking back at where i started and not having a clue about any-of this website stuff is a big learning curve for me. but its working slowly but truly working.

But today i have Publish 50 posts on my website and hit the milestone like the platform laid out

So i have two website on the go here at WA


All of my posts on this website do contain affiliate links. They will lead you to other blogs i have written about Bigfoot Stories. There are also Amazon Products links on this Blog.

So If you click on any link and make a purchase, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. It is also at no additional cost to you to explore these links.

Site 1 has 50 post and did the boot camp videos

The one is : Wild Foot Myths that i just hit 50 post on where i promote from Amazon Camping gear ,Bigfoot Gear ,Books and so much more i have made the 3 sale that amazon wanted along with signing up a few Kindle Unlimited Free Trial i like promoting this a lot because i like to sit and read stories every chance i get when it quiet in my house.

Site 2 has 35 post

The other one is my Affiliate Sights Technology i'm just about to hit 35 post this site i only promote Wealthy Affiliate on i have signed up four people that are not really doing anything but i guess the old saying is true you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

What stages i have done and where i'm going !

  • I started with the free account - Did this level for a month to watch all the videos with kyle
  • then i moved in to the next Premium level -I did this for a month was a good learning curve.
  • I have been a Premium Plus+ level i'm going to work this one till the end of the 6 month
  • Then i think its time to open the doors on the 7 month to upgrade to the Premium Plus+ Accelerated where i will finish the year out .

Just cant wait to see where this journey will lead me. but lets not stop here let's look at some branding i did on my journey and what i had to go through.

So Branding

So here is my Bigfoot website logo ! Wild Foot Myths is what i branded

At first watching the videos on the WA platform where a great learning curve for me , But to be full honest this is my 3rd logo that i had to develop out side of the WA recommendations with Canva. But don't get me wrong i use Canava daily but i also intertwine with Deepai and with the two together its amazing. But i think that it looked really bad on me, its going to set me back a year with building trust with people.

Biggest problem i had was I keep running in to copyright issues on this page, With many social media platforms.

Now i have sorted out all the copyright issues with my Bigfoot page and i'm able to promote my website on Facebook, Instagram, and on X i find these 3 help me the most in that space, But i did just start on Reddit, as i found it interesting so we will see where it goes.

These Platforms are the ones that i'm trying the long way to build an audience for free.

So with the wild foot myths website i have built is going awesome and i'm enjoying every minute. That's what brings me to this post hitting the 50 mark milestone so i thought i would share that with everyone.

But also on the other hand my Affiliate Sights Technology website not so much.

So here is my Affiliate website logo ! Affiliate Sights Technology

So when i started building this site on WA things where going great was following the map like it was laid out on WA and like i did for my wild foot myths site so really there shouldn't be a problem boy oh boy ways i wrong about that .

I started building a Facebook page , Instagram page then a page on X and a page on pinterest, this was going to be my 4 platforms i was going to promote on .

So Facebook ,Instragram

For this site was a no go they let me built the page ,Then Facebook let me build and pay for ads about $300 CAN i spent over the course of the 5 months just to have Facebook delete the pages when the ads where done told me that i was going against there privacy policy . Loss time and money and learned a big lesson.

For Pinterest, and X

Where it's a good fit for me to promote my affiliate stuff on Pinterest and X i do use the paid parts of these platforms and running formulas each month Now in the 5 month i have driven over 1250 people to WA well from what the charts say still waiting to see a turnover there soon.

Affiliate Marketing Journey

This journey is a blast, Has it low's just like everything and its highs,

But i'll tell you this investment i'm putting out right now is worth every penny and the time too. Joining the Wealthy affiliate platform and learning about the real side of affiliate marketing has put me in to a boat where i cant even keep up to the ideas heck i still have so much to do on this platform its scary still got to build 7 more site for more income stream then move up to the final level but as these two sites are rolling i'm going to embark on more of the training video as i'm sure i have missed so much. as i'm still ranking 76 on google so my next task is to getting that ranking closer to page 1 but i would be happy with it on page 2 lol lets see where i can get to this year

I'm looking forward to the comments on here because one of the best parts i found at wealthy affiliate is the great community of people and support you get.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post

wishing you all great success!!


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You have been really focused. Hope I can follow in your footsteps. Thanks for the behind-the-scenes look at the site you built to promote WA. This let me know that I am not doing enough. Please keep posting. Very inspiring to me and am sure to others.


Hi andrew2013,
Thanks for the great comment, and for the very kind words.
Well the footsteps part i have made here are owed to the WA founders and team on here for their support. i followed the path they have laid out for us all here as members.

well to be fully honest there is so much training on here. Sometimes I feel like it is a rabbit hole i can get lost in the whole platform i have had days where i'm like just wanting to do a few hours that day and before i know it, 10 hours have gone by and i feel like i have just sat down and started.

I'm glad you like my Affiliate Sights Technology website i built, To promote WA on
I still need to do so much more work on it. I only have 35 posts published on that site so far and i have to rewrite probably like 15 of them from when i first started 5 months ago. and i feel like I bought the wrong themes so i'm shopping on that part again too . still a lot of work in the process to get that site where i would like to see it.

I'm sure you are doing lots Everyone does things at their own pace ,
I see that you have been here for just over a year. and you even got a few more baggage then i do so i think you have a pretty good idea and i could learn a thing or two from you. so great job on all the baggage's
Feel free to follow me here , But the links that i have on WA on my Activity page are to my Wild Foot Myths on social media . i don't have the affiliate ones that you are looking on here.

feel free to follow me if you like too

Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.ca/proaffiliatesights/

X - https://x.com/Affiliates20675

I'm glad that i could help you a bit to make the journey a bit easier. that makes my day

Take care
thanks again

Wow! What a fun and interesting niche! Thanks for giving us a behind-the-scenes look! Congrats!

Hi SharaAnn,
Thank you very much It's a great topic to share and learn more about .

Good Job, also followed you on X

Hi TheAmazingMG,
Thanks very much I'll follow you back when i go on tonight. muchly appreciated

That's amazing Shawn, you have selected a great niche!

Hi MariaDale,
Thank you , Bigfoot is a big hobby of mine I have always been fascinated with the topic just so much to share wasn't sure if it would of been a good one but its taking off .

Wow! Awesome Shawn!

Hi mafais,
Thank you

You have really done a good job Shawn. Its not easy I know but you have been strong. Keep rolling. Wish you all the best

Hi RayKamta1,
Thank you very much all the best to you too

50 posts is an amazing accomplishment congratulations!

Hi LFox13,
Thanks very much

Thank u Shawn, I like your progress and you your time, thats great

Hi Mrwillan,
thank you

Well done on your progress to date. Keep it up and continue to strive forward.
You are doing great


Hi apache,
Thanks for the great comment and support

You are most welcome.

Enjoy your day and continue to strive forward and enjoy


Awesome Shawn, nice work on your progress!

Thank you so much I greatly appreciate it. and thank you for building a great platform to work off of.

No problem Shawn, we love what we do and love helping folks like yourself build businesses online. Keep at it and I look forward to hearing about your future updates. ;)

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