Content is Key!
Hi Lady's and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure to share with you here.
I have been working on my web site all day and half the night for the last month. I am very happy with where I am and what I have achieved. I must say, shortly after I started I started getting worried that I need to get some adverts up on my site, and believe me it still worries me every day.
But rest assured it is not the most important thing. Some times you will wait up to 2 weeks for a response from a merchant for an application as an affiliate and sometimes after the alloted time you will also be declined! Wow, Shocker! Yes it's true, it happens.
It is more Important to get your content in good order first, before rushing to monatise.
The better your content, the more interest and the more traffic you draw to your site and this makes your chances of landing a merchant even better, they check your content and they check your traffic. It is just like applying for a job in real life, you either qualify or you don't. The better your content and the better your traffic the better your chances of landing a good paying merchant.
Just a couple of tips for you here: Have at least 1500 words per post, have at least one internal link and at least one external link per post. Also have at least one video per post. This will grab the interest of your Audience and also Google loves these features.
Another very important thing is to have a few pictures, pictures speak a thousand words and don't forget to add Alternative text to you pictures, so if someone hovers their mouse over the picture it gives a full description of what the picture is representing. Google also looks out for this.
So at the end of the day content is key, some of my pages are at 4 and 5000 words and I feel I can still add, but I have decided to move on to other sub catagories in my niche.
Oh one other thing, don't feel limited. I first started out with a unique niche, only to realise later that it was too narrow and it didn't cover the entire spectrum of knowledge and experience that I am trying to bring to the world. So, I ended up making big adjustments.
So, at the end of the day, when you have to select a niche and it is about something you really know and are schooled in, then don't limit yourself. I fount that if your niche is too narrow then you also run out of constructive content.
So to sum it all up, too broad is bad, especially if you don't know enough to make the word count on each page of your web site. And on the other hand a too narrow is bad if you have excessive knowledge of your niche and no where to put it.
It's all about balance and you need to decide if you can go broad or narrow, but my point here is don't let anyone decide for you. It is your choice at the end of the day. Just make sure that you are in a possition to work with the choice that you have made.
Good luck everyone, I hope this brings you a little inspiration. I sure wish I saw something like this right when I started out, would have made a big difference. I certainly hope it makes a difference for someone out there at Wealthy affiliate who is just starting out or who needs a boost.
Thank you to everyone who has been out there to answer my questions and to help me out along the road. Most appreciated!
Good luck everyone.
Recent Comments
Thanks so much for the powerful information Shaun!! I'm still so new to all of this and any advice really helps!😊
Pleasure Michele, I'm glad that you could benefit from it.
Good luck with your adventure going forward.
Pleasure Renee, yes it all came with experience. One doesn't see everything clearly from the start, but we certainly learn as we move forward.
Wow, nice to hear of your progress... :)
You're absolutely right when you say that content is key. It's the basis for everything; for Google ranking you better and better, for merchants to accept your affiliate application, for Ad companies to approve you, for traffic to increase and for you to make more money.
Without content, the website is nothing.
Thanks for this great reminder!
Thank you Reyhana for your wonderful comment.
Yes it is and so sad most of us don't realize it right in the beginning.
If so it would have saved a lot of time and disappointment.
Thank you Joseph, yes I sure did.
It's been a long tough road but I have learned a lot along the way.
I just hope that I can help others see the things that are important which I didn't see in the beginning.
This is a great post and great advise to keep in mind for later when I am ready to work on my site. :)
Hi Robin, Thank you for your comment.
Good luck and don't hesitate to ask for help.
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Thanks Shaun!
Love the picture too!
Pleasure Kyleann.